Ch 1: A Grimm Discovery

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Nick and Hank stood at the edge of the river, the dirty, foul smelling water working its way into the air, turning it rancid with pollution. Sergeant Wu of the Portland Police Department waltzed up to them, his normal smile plastered on his face.

"What've we got today Wu?" asked Hank as Wu led them to the body, which lay just feet from the swollen mouth of the river.

"Well a fisherman found the victim about an hour ago when he dragged the body up on his fishing rod. I'm pretty sure he wasn't expecting quite an interesting catch. We haven't found any ID so we have absolutely no idea who the victim is. The fisherman is over there if you want to interview him."

"I'll take the fisherman Nick so you can check out the body and if it's a special case be sure to let me know." Hank ventured over to the frightened fisherman while Nick and Wu headed over to the body.

The body was that of a female placed in her early to mid-twenties and the water had given her a bloated soggy look like cereal that you leave in the bowl too long. Blood slowly dripped from her head and neck staining the ground a dark maroon colour. Her eyes were glassed over and she seemed to be staring nowhere in particular as most dead people often do. Now the throat is where all of the action lay. Her throat had been completely ripped open, jagged skin and bloody muscle flung around the ground behind her. Oddly enough, her spine wasn't visible. Nick noticed this and asked Wu to help him roll her over and when Wu unhappily obliged he grimaced as she flopped over like a jellyfish carcass.

Nick took a long glance at her and he found a rather large incision behind her right ear. It looked like a large claw had cut her. He asked for a pair of gloves and once they situated on his hands he stuck his fingers inside the incision. He felt around inside, unpleasant squishing sounds echoing in his ears and the air around him. He didn't find what he was looking for which is exactly what he thought would happen.

"Ok then there appears to be no spine in the victim and it appears to have been removed via a large incision behind her right ear. It looks like large animal scratch but it may have been done with a rather large scalpel in a hurry. You might want to put this in the report Wu."

Nick stood up to talk with Wu but he didn't see the shorter man. He turned around to walk back to Wu and Hank when he noticed two men in rather expensive looking suits standing beside them. He grew suspicious and decided to see what was going on for himself.

"May I ask what you gentlemen are doing at this crime scene?" asked Nick curtly as he sized the, up. They both held up FBI badges and Nick's face fell. Of course the FBI get involved in what he suspected to be a Wesen crime.

"I'm agent Cooper and this is agent Osbourne and we're with the FBI. We're here to investigate the body and the witnesses. It would be a great help if you took us through the crime scene, what you've seen and any possible theories you may have as to why the killer committed the crime."

The taller of the two agents, agent Osbourne went to examine the body while the shorter one, agent Cooper accompanied Nick to question the witness.

"What exactly do you think happened to the victim Detective Burkhardt? I personally have a couple theories." Asked agent Cooper as they neared the man who found the victim.

"Well agent Cooper, I believe that this is the work of a deranged killer who probably gets some sort of pleasure from removing spines. This is the third killing like this in the city so obviously there is a serial killer that needs to be brought to justice."

"It seems that we share the same values Detective. I'm not a superstitious man and I don't believe in much but if I didn't know better I would say it was some sort of wolf creature, maybe even a Blutbad." Nick froze but continued on, now warier than ever of the agents and their motives. They arrived at the witness and Nick stood back while agent Cooper did his thing.

"I understand that you were the one that found the body. Did you notice any cold spots or electrical surges on your boat? Did you maybe smell sulfur or rotten eggs at all? Just say anything you know no matter how crazy it may sound because we need to know everything that you might have seen so that we can bring this killer to justice."

"I didn't see much agent because it was still too dark but a weird fog rolled out onto the lake. When I was fishing I saw or at least I think I saw some reptilian creature slither into the water. I looked over the boat edge and there was the girl on the rocks but she wasn't dead quite yet. She bloody and dying but she couldn't move. I asked her if she was ok but she said she couldn't move at all, like total paralysis couldn't move. I can't tell you what I saw but it definitely wasn't natural, it was almost supernatural."

"Thank you for your time." Nick and the agent turned to leave and Nick heard the agent say, "His account wasn't normal so I'm just going to assume that he was probably high or something. There's no such thing as snakes or giant reptiles that paralyze people and rip out their spines."

They stopped at the crime scene tape as Wu, Hank and the second agent came back from the body. The two agents left together, driving away in their car which was a 1967 Chevy Impala and all three officers sighed in relief.

"Listen everyone, those agents know something that they aren't telling us and I don't think that we should trust them. This case however is definitely a Wesen case and I think it would be wise if we kept that to ourselves as well. Don't tell them anything unless they ask for it specifically and anything you find that might be considered mildly odd tell me about it."


"Do you really think that they know something that they aren't telling us Sam?" asked Dean as he untied his tie and unbuttoned his fed vest.

"I'm not sure about you Dean but the other detective and sergeant definitely knew something. They flinched and reacted when I casually mentioned werewolves or demonic entities."

"The other detective, Burkhardt I think was his name was absolutely the ring leader of the whole organization. His eyes lit up with suspicion when I asked about the sulfur and cold spots but they went black with some sort of emotion when I referenced a Blutbad. If I didn't know any better I would say that he's probably a hunter of sorts."

"Whatever it is Dean, there's definitely a case here and we definitely need to solve it."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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