A Dream In Progress Chapter 1

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You trailed off. You just got finished with editing your weekly video for YouTube.
"Aaannnddd... uploading!"
You whispered to yourself. You looked down at your stomach as it growled. You placed your hand on it looking at the time, "12:00." Read your phone.
"Midnight snack time." You said crawling out of your bed. You curved around your door way, running towards the stairs. You quickly skipped down the stairs and opened the fridge watching the light flick on inside of it.
"Hmmmmmm..." You pondered to yourself.
"Ooohh!" You said picking up the strawberry yogurt. You opened the silverware drawer, grabbing a spoon, closed it with your hip, and skipped back up the stairs. You plopped down on your bed right where you were before you got up. You decided to watch Sam and Colby's videos since you were done editing and uploading yours. Besides, they were your favorite YouTubers. You slid your finger acrossed the mouse pad on your laptop and it read in the bottom right hand corner,
"1 new e-mail."
"Hmmm..." You said pursing your lips. You don't get e-mails very often so you were very curious. When you opened it, it read,
"From: Sam and Colby"
"WHAT?!" You screamed. You scrolled down and started to read,
"Hello Y/N! Sam and Colby here. We have been watching your YouTube channel for a while. It's very good! You're super entertaining and very, VERY funny! So, the reason we are e-mailing you, is because, since we have been watching you for a while, we wanted to see how far you'd get in a year. You've come pretty far in a year! But, we wanna know, to help you get even bigger in YouTube, would you wanna come move to L.A. and live with us? Thanks! Get back to us as soon as possible!
Much love, Sam and Colby."
"WWHHAATT?!" You screamed even louder. You opened an empty draft and started typing,
"Hey Sam and Colby! Y/N here! I just wanted to say thank you so much for the compliments on my channel! That means a lot coming from my idols! And your offer for me to come live with you was so unreal to me! Thank you guys so much! Oh, and my answer is yes! I will come live with you guys! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much guys!
Love, Y/N"

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