Always and forever

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I yanked AJ Lee's thick, brown hair so that she was facing me.
"This is my house" I shouted in her face.
She slapped me a rolled me up for the pin.
The crowd chanted "1, 2, 3" then the bell rang.
"Your winner and new divas champion, AJ Lee" said the ring announcer.
I couldn't believe it. The one thing I have been fighting for since I was 13 and now she has took that from me. Tears came pouring down my pale face and my black, Gothic makeup went down with them. AJ got to the top of the ramp and kissed the belt. MY BELT!
Suddenly, someone's music hit. It was Dean Ambrose. The lunatic fringe walked pass AJ and came down to the ring, towards me.
"Paige, Paige, Paige. Poor you. You've lost your title. The belt you have been fighting for for years. The belt you rightfully deserved and now that smug little spider like creature AJ took that from you. You had everything and now you haven't. But don't worry. I'm here now".
Dean dropped his microphone and walked towards me. He kissed me gently on the lips stroking my raven colored hair.
I didn't know what to think of it at first. Minty gum and cigarettes aren't the best thing to taste. His grey leather jacket smelt of sweat, his longish, brown hair wet and his jean tacky with age. For some reason I didn't seem to care. He wiped the blood from near my ear and whispered " I love you Paige. Always and forever". When AJ slapped me, she dug her nails into me and it cut my face.

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