My Ouran love

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Hello I'm Dawn, cuz I was born at dawn my adoptive parents thought it was cute , ok if your wondering a little about me I'm 16, and I lived in America For 16 years and I just moved to Japan and I'm going to Ouran. my sisters are Dusk , Sunny , and Moon is it weird that were named after parts of the day . I like cake , ramen , candy , cats , mango , fruit , juice , coffee , exc . I have one blue eye and one red eye and one side of my hair is red the others black my personality is a bit awkward and antisocial rebellious and caring . My past was ok it wasn't the best but it was ok

*Flash Back *

My mom died at birth and my dad abandoned me and put me in a orphanage. I was there till I was 10 years old, a woman with 3 kids came in and looked around and the girls ran up to me and said "Mom, her, we want her" "alright alright " I was then told to come with them.

The mom talked to the lady the little girls looked and talked to me "hi what's your name " they said in unison "D-Dawn, " I said nervously one of them had long light pink hair and amber eyes and one had short purple hair and brown eyes and one had long black-green hair with dark blue-green colored eyes I had looked at them curiously with my blue and red eyes.

" she's adopting you silly" purple said "why me ?" I asked "why not " purple said again.

"Oh ya our names are Moon, " purple said pointing to her self "Sunny, " she said point in to the one with black-green hair " and that's Dusk, " Moon said pointing to the light pink haired girl.

*Flash Back End*

That's how I met my family and my Best Friend.

Now on to the story


It was December so normally it was cold. Four teenagers walked up the steps to there new house yes it was Mikan , Sora , Daisuke , and Hikari.

Dawn was 15 Dusk was 17 Sunny was 15 and Moon was 16.

The four walked in to the fairly large house . We weren't rich yet we aren't poor too. We all shared a bedroom that connects to 4 bathrooms and 4 walk in closets


Dawn's P.O.V

I walked in to our room and picked the top of one of the bunk beds and screamed "SLEEP!" Dusk walked in and screamed "BED!" And flopped on the bed under me "Guys you still have to unpack " Sunny and Moon yelled "NO" Dusk and I yelled in unison " you have to " Mom said walking into the room "ok" I sighed in defeat I walked out of the house and picked up a box.

*After unpacking *

"We're done " said mom yawning "now go to bed you have school tomorrow." Dusk , Sunny , Moon ,and I trudged to our room . I walked into my bathroom and changed into to my pjs. I ran out of the bathroom and ran up the latter to my bed went under the covers and fell in to a deep slumber.

*Morning time *

Dawn's P.O.V

Brinnnnnng brinnnnnnnng ugh whats that BRRRRIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNG its getting louder BRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNG . My hand was feeling around for the source of noise. Oh ya it's the alarm on Dusk and Moon 's night stand. I opened my eyes and leaned of over my bed a little to reach the alarm .

I'm almost there almost got it *whoshhh* Oops *thunk* I fell of my bed hitting Sunny's bed and fell on the floor "WAHHHHH" Sunny screamed as she fell on top of me. "what happened "Dusk yelled as she shot up hitting the boards of my bed and falling off hers and onto Sunny and I .

Moon did the Same and fell on us "Airrrrr!" I screeched they rolled of me. I got up brushed off my pjs . And walked in to the bathroom changed into the guy uniform top and some jeans.

Sunny 's P.O.V

Dawn walked out in the guy school uniform top and some jeans " Dawn put the skirt on " Dusk ,Moon ,and I said in unison "NO" Dawn screamed and tried to run. Moon and dusk grabbed her arms I got the skirt

*After Fighting With Dawn*

*Still Sunny's P.O.V*

After failing to force Dawn into a skirt we ran down stairs to see mom cooking breakfast . "What for breakfast" Dusk asked excitedly "Bacon , toast , cereal , and eggs" mom said with a smile " OH YA" Moon Screamed. We all picked up some bacon and eggshell and started eating . Dawn and Dusk were eating like they haven't ate in years .

*Dawn 's View* Haha thought you could get me in to a skirt bitch .While I was eating like a enraged bull I glanced to the clock "WERE LATE" I said muffled with a mouth full of bacon I swallowed the bacon jumped up with my sisters I ran to the door grabbing my backpack ,guitar and skateboard in the process of Moon , Dusk, and Sunny putting on their roller skates we put on our knee pad , wrist guards , elbow pads ,and helmets.

We ran out the door got on our boards and roller skates and went toward Ouran as we went we grinded on rails did some tricks an and just plan road around eventually we got there.

I slowly came to a stop *BA -BAM * Dusk didn't stop and hit me causing me to fall to the ground and land on my butt "you ass fuck!!" all of them were laughing there asses off while I was trying to get up but kept slipping due to the roller skates . I landed on my hands this time in front of a pair of boots I look up a hand was out stretched to me I took it gladly . Being pulled up to stare in to beautiful amber eyes


A/N thank you for reading my story please help me correct grammar mistakes cuz I'm not the best at grammar

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2014 ⏰

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