Say Goodbye

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Tick tock tick tock, the clock on the waiting room wall was annoying me. I was waiting with

my mom to have my first surgery. I gazed aroung the room. It was about 4 in the morning. I

had to come early being that it was a complecated surgery. My stomach felt like it was a

rock. I wanted to throw up, but maybe that was because i didnt eat for 24 hours. I rolled my

shoulders, trying to calm myself down, but that didnt work. I sighed deaply, not wanting

attention, but wanting some kind of reasurance that it was going to be okay. Okay, was it

going to be okay? All of these horrible thoughts were running through my mind. I kept

thinking that someone was going to bust through the doors, and have pouring blood

comming out of some sort of part of there body. Of course, thats not going to happen, i told

myself. "Haylie? Are you okay hunny?" My mom asked, rubbing my arm. "You look a little

pale." She added. I bit my lip. I was pale? Sick maybe? Good i hope im sick. That way they

could cancel the surgery. "Uh, yeah, i uh, i dont feel well." I told my mom, and wrapped my

arms around my stomach, but just as i did so, a nurse walked out with a clip board in herarms. "Haylie Howel?" She called, looking at all of the people in the room. Me and my mom

stood up. "Thats me." I said timidly, as me and my mom walked toward her. "Come with me."

She practicly ordered. She led us to a room apparently called pre-op, Meaning pre-operation. It was a large room with blue curtains going down, separating the beds. I could hear a few murmers

from the pationts already there, but i couldnt see any of them because they had the curtains

closed. The nurse led us down the hallway to the last bed on the left. Funny, i thought. Its

kind of like the movie last house on the left, where the girl gets murrdered. What if i got

murrerderd? I thought. I couldnt help myself from laughing. The nurse gave me an odd look.

She probably thought i thought surgery was funny, which i deffinantly did not. I sat down on

the bed that was super uncomfortable. There was a bed railing up on one side, and down on

the other. There was a white sheet over the bed, and a thin pillow that wasnt going to do

much for me at the top. "Put this on." The nurse said placing a way-too-big hospital gown

on the bed. "I'll be back in about 5 minutes to put in your I.V. and take some blood." She

added, and walked out without as little as a goodbye. "Im going to go get some coffee okay

hunny?" My mom said leaning down and giving me a hug. "Call me if you need anything, ill

be back soon." She told me and walked out.

After i got on the hospital gown, which took super long to get on because there

were ties in the back, I opened up my curtains. No one was in the hallway, but i could hear the constant beeping of heart machines, and the sighing of the resporators. I peeked out around the corner and saw the nurse walk into one of the small rooms. Just then a commotion started, someones machine went wild, and nurses rushed down the hallway, When the nurses got out of the hallway, i saw a small girl. She had a hospital gown on, and her hair was pitch black, and her skin pale as snow. She cocked her head to the right side, then dissapeared. Holy shit i thought rushing back into my room. I plopped myself back on my bed and closed my eyes. Your seeing stuff. Its okay. Its okay. Calm down. Haylie, it will all be okay, i told my self over and over. Finnally after what felt like hours of trying to calm down, my nurse walked in. She had a small red basket filled with needles and all kinds of other things. "Sit up." She snapped at me, and i quickly did so. She pulled out a stretchy band , and wrapped it around my upper arm so tight i thought my arm might fall off. Then she snapped on some blue gloves, and pulled out a needle. "This will only hit a bit." My nurse said, smiling a sly smile, then praticly stabbed my arm. I screamed in pain. What the hell is wrong with this chick? I thought to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2011 ⏰

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