The Dream

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"Don't open the box!" A​ male voice was saying over and over again, the words were echoing in my head. A wooden box with gold encrusted lay right there, dead center in the middle of the dark and gloomy room. Only one candle illuminated the small box giving it a greenish glow. I took a step forward.
"N​o! You're putting yourself in danger! Step away! Close your eyes and forget this! Wake up! Wake up!" S​uddenly the box opened by itself and all at once, a hand came out and pulled me into a darkness, enveloping me into its black depths.
"W​ake up!, Wake up! A​s I fell, I heard the voice again. The male  voice sounded different now , more light and higher, almost like...

I sat bolt upright, panting so hard it was as if my lungs had exploded. Cadenza, my little sister,was shaking me and shouting, "Wake up! Wake up!".
"Cadenza," I said "what's so important?"
"TODAY IS STRAWBERRY PICKING DAY!!" (Jees, for a girl the age of 10, she had a big voice.)
She was wearing her denim overalls and a long sleeve, white shirt that was rolled up to her elbows.
Cadenza walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind her. I swung my legs out of the covers and looked around my familiar bedroom. The two beds beside the window were perfectly made and all the books had been stowed away neatly in our timber bookshelf, our small gray rug was lying right in the center of the room, a few posters and a huge painting were hanging over the mantelpiece. Looks like Brendan and Cadenza has done their chores already. I thought, but something was tugging at the back of my mind, and no, it wasn't that I had forgotten to do my chores too, I couldn't stop thinking about the dream I had had the night before, w​hat did it mean? ​I stared blankly out the window for a minute and suddenly my mind snapped into action, w​hat was I doing?, sitting there while everyone was doing M​Y favorite job! And, it would only come once a year, I couldn't miss that!
Grabbing my hair brush and my boots, I rush to the drawers, pulled the top one open and grasped at whatever I could get my hands on, then I got dressed, made my bed, put my hair in a messy ponytail and sprinted out the door, grabbing my basket on the way.

As I closed the front door behind me, I could already see small dots down at the strawberry patch, looking like they were having a great time, I couldn't hold it in any longer, a few second later, I realized that I was sprinting towards the patch as if my legs had a mind of their own.
"Leona! Your mum invited us over to help with the picking! No offense, I didn't really want to come but Nicole dragged me and Kawaii~chan here!" Katelyn appeared from behind a cluster of bushes wearing her favorite blue top and a pair of denim shorts with some short­cut boots to match, she was carrying a basket just like the one I had in my hand. Suddenly, I saw a flash of pink hair come by my ear.
"Hi Leona~Sama! Thank you for inviting Kawaii~chan to your strawberry picking! She loves it here! Can Kawaii~chan have some strawberries to make a cake in gratitude?" Kawaii~chan pecked out of the other side of the bush where she had started picking strawberries.
"Y-" I started to say.
"LEONA!!!" All of a sudden, Nicole barreled into me, sending the basket that I was holding flying. She looked at me with her shining grey eyes,
"Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!" She shouted but then she straightened her shirt and spoke more calmly,
"Sorry, a little​ over excited there, anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for inviting us to your strawberry... Picking. W​e " ( she nudges Katelyn) " are so glad to have sometime off  work , it's getting a little havocy in "Kitty drop" or at least what Garroth is calling it after he first started using wattpad. Dad told me to send his regards as well. Well, what are we waiting for?, LET'S GO DO SOME STRAWBERRY PICKIN!" Nicole grabbed me and Katelyn by the hands and rushed of to the nearest patch. Katelyn looked at me worryingly but then smiled when she sees me roll my eyes and circle my free hand and finger beside my head in a swirling motion.

Later that day, I was helping my little brother Brendan reach a strawberry that looked real good when we heard Kiki (Our mum) calling Cadenza, Brendan's and my name across the cluster of bush where she had set up a picnic for us. Brendan and I stumbled over to find Cadenza already there.
"Damn! I was for sure that we had beaten Denza her-!" Brendan muttered under his breath. "Listen you three" Kiki interrupted Brendan and continued "I just realized that we don't have any water for the tea, do you mind just to take this jug to the nearby lagoon and fill it up with water please?"
"Of course mama!"
"Why not?" We all said together.
"Thank you all! Now you better hurry because I can see that Katelyn isn't in a very good mood" We all turned our heads in the direction Kiki was looking and we could all see that Katelyn was fighting back the urge of ripping out all the strawberry buses. Brendan grabbed the jug, grabbed me with the other hand and told Cadenza to come on. Minutes later, we were sprinting to the lagoon, having a race, I was ahead but Cadenza wasn't far behind me, Brendan had a lot of catching up to do though! Cadenza and I reached the lagoon and collapsed under a bending willow, laughing and joking at how funny Brendan looked when he was running. Finally, Brendan caught up and literally tripped over a root that was poking out of the ground and fell face first into my lap. Cadenza had fallen over laughing while Brendan tenderly got to his knees, his face was flushed scarlet while his emerald eyes were wide with excitement.
"How did I look?" He asked, I just looked at him and said,
"Like a clown out of a circus!"

After a fit of laughs and imitations we all got to our feet and headed towards the lagoon.
The lagoon was hidden behind a wall of willows which made it impossible to look through, you needed to know the way in to even attempt  getting in that place, the sparkling blue water reflected the exact color of the sky, a never­ending waterfall tumbled into its depths, making a layer of white foam froth around where the falling water meets the calm surface, a surrounding grass paddock makes the place look like it was out of a fairy tale. Brendan circled the edge of the lagoon till he reached the waterfall, lowered the jug towards the curtain of liquid and thrust it in making a parting in the water, but it wasn't Brendan's imitation of falling in that grasped my attention, there was something else that caught my eye, it was a hint of gold and brown. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Cadenza was looking in the same spot as well, Brendan immediately stopped dancing and looked where Cadenza and I were squinting, he saw it too , Brendan lowered the jug and outstretched his hands, he was about to touch it when we heard someone calling our names. Cadenza was the first to realize who that was.
"It's mama! She's calling us, we must of been away too long."
Next thing we know, we're all sprinting up the hill that separates the lagoon from the strawberry patch and I know by the looks on my siblings faces, we're all thinking about the same thing... The mysterious gold and brown object behind the waterfall.

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