Time to Hit the Beach

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The sunset lit up the big city of San Diego as Eryn Marks stepped out of the airport with her bags in hand. She watched as the sun carried the last of the colorful light, and the moon and stars dominated the night. The red-haired girl with bright green eyes held onto her bags tightly as she went on her way to her small apartment that she rented ahead of time. She lived nearby the beach.

After she unpacked and got ready for bed, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore lulled her into a deep sleep. The next morning, Eryn got ready to go out and find some inspiration. She was an artist waiting to be discovered. Even as a child everyone she met who knew of her talent encouraged her to make it into a career. It has always been her dream to own an art gallery one day.

Eryn locked the door of her apartment complex, and headed outside. She walked a couple of blocks before reaching the beach. The beautiful city was clearly touched by the sun's rays, giving it the touch of bright colors in just the right places. The sand was soft, warm, and white. The sky a nice shade of blue with little to no clouds that looked like swabs of cotton in the big, beautiful sky.

Eryn smiled as she saw a seagull diving to the surface of the water to catch it's breakfast, and took out her supplies. She let peace and serenity take over, and with small strokes, created a masterpiece of the wonderful sight she saw. After she was painting the finishing touches of her masterpiece, a British voice startled her saying, "Wow what a beautiful painting!"

Startled, Eryn jumped and would have knocked her painting down onto the sand if the handsome man beside her didn't catch it first. Something about him seemed familiar. She didn't know whether if it was the short, curly brown hair, the tallness, or the bright blue eyes, but this attractive man seemed very familiar.

"Oh um thanks I guess," Eryn thanked the man while blushing lightly.

"No problem. It really is a beautiful painting. You really have a gift. My name's Tom," he said while holding out a hand to shake.
I blushed even more as he said that, and shook his hand.
"My name is Eryn, Eryn Marks," I introduced.

"It's nice to meet you, Eryn. Just out of curiosity, do you know who I am?" He asked me in his wonderful British accent that was adorably cute.
"Err... I'm afraid not," she answered him timidly.

He gave her a warm smile that nearly sent her heart out of her chest.

Not used to this strange feeling, Eryn noticed her equipment and realized she wanted to spend more time with Tom than paint all day. Eryn decided she was going to put her stuff away in her apartment, and explore the city with Tom if he agreed.

"Do you want to show me around the city? You seem to have free time, and I'm done with painting for the day. Plus I literally just got here last night so I don't know my way around," Eryn asked him.

If possible, his smile got wider, whiter, and warmer as he enthusiastically replied, "Of course!! What kind of person would I be if I didn't show a pretty lady her way around!"

She blushed hardcore at this, and didn't respond to his rhetorical question.

"Can I help you carry anything?" He asked, and her heart just fell for him more than the already developed crush.
"Err.. Yeah. Here carry this," Eryn told him as she handed him her easel.

They walked in comfortable silence as they made their way to Eryn's apartment.

After dropping her stuff off, they headed to their first sightseeing spot. Tom showed her all the best spots that he thought she would love. This made her crush for him expand loads more. Eryn thought that maybe it isn't a silly schoolgirl crush anymore, and maybe just maybe it was love.

Tom thought that Eryn looked beautiful as the day moved on. He loved the way she did certain things, and she got even better when he found out what she had in common with him. Most of all, he was glad she didn't recognize him as someone famous. He thought that if she knew who he was that she wouldn't like him for him. That's another great thing about her. She's not quick to judge. The more he thought about her, the more he realized he was in love with her.

Their last stop was the beach. Even in the fading light, the beach still looked beautiful in all its glory. They walked down the beach together with their hands intertwined.

"Today has been fun," Eryn commented as her feet got wet from the incoming waves.

"Yeah. It has," Tom agreed with a small smile on his face.

The sun is almost down, and the last of the oranges, reds, pinks, and yellows fall on them as they examine each other's beauty.

"I know this is a bit sudden, especially since we met today, but will you be my girlfriend" Tom asked the beautiful redhead beside him.

Eryn smiled a big, bright smile that lit up her face and gave him her response. "Of course!! What kind of person would I be if I didn't date a wonderful, nice, funny guy like you?!"

And with that they shared their first amazing kiss that was full of passion and love for one another.

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