I'm the Alpha's mate... Say WHAT!?

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All of the female wolves were in a big circle. I was at the very back. I didn't want the machine to choose me and let me go into the mating arena.

The machine was actually a mutant computer. Except it didn't kill people. Every time during the spring, right before us females go into heat, the machine picks out a wolf's name and that wolf enters the mating arena, which is full of low life, toungue dragging males, just waiting to get a female. I'm 17, and havn't been marked yet for 2 years, 15 is when you go into heat.

The more distinct color of fur you are, means that you could say, you are hotter than other wolves with less distinct fur. I'm pure white. Pretty distinct, huh? Well, of course you have to have a real color for  wolf, so you can't choose rainbow.

The machine hasn't picked me ever since last year. When i was 15 i got picked, but i escaped.

Anyway, the machine picks out 5 female wolves to go into the arena, then does that 5 more times, to get basically everyone.

The computer started to beep. Uh oh. It's choosing the names. The alpha male and his wife pressed a few buttons, and the computer said 5 names.

"Diana, Jasmine, Amy, Violet, and Jackie."

Good, that's not my name.

Those female wolves exchanged nervous glances to each other, then they entered the arena. Then the computer showed us 5 cameras that focused on the female wolves. We watched them as they ran and ran, running away from the other males.

Soon Amy got pounced on by the beta's son. She squirmed, but finally gave up. Then he bit her on her shoulder (right) and she soon would get a tattoo on that shoulder.

You see, his bite mark turns into a tattoo, kind of like branding cows a little.

I feel sorry for these cows.

Diana wasn't quick enough. Once she thought she was away from the males, her running slowed a little, but i knew better. I wanted to scream to her to run faster, but of course it was hopeless for her.

Diana was caught by my friend, Henry. He's all right, i guess.

Jasmine was caught by some Omega or something. She was running toward the river to jump in it to save herself, but that male was way faster. Sorry Jasmine.

Violet was next. I have nooooooooooo idea who marked her, but she sighed, like she lost a battle or something.

Then the timer rang, and Jackie jumped for joy. She was the only one who didn't get marked.

You see, there is a timer on the computer, and if the wolf doesn't want to mate, she just has to make it until the timer goes off, and then they're free!

I got lucky last year. Let's hope that my luck is still with me. Also, after your marked, the male has to protect you from other males until the timer goes off, the stupid greedy mutts.

Then the computer beeped again, and said the names out loud.

"Lola, Georgia, Carmen, Brenda, and Sophia."

I smiled to myself, then i stopped when i heard the last two names.

Brenda was my best friend ever, she was a tan colored wolf, and she looked nervously at me. I frowned and looked back.

The last name was my name.

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