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Hey Everyone! So this is something I actually did for school but thought that I would post it on here to see what you guys think:) So vote & comment please! Thanks:)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I lived in the small town of Bluewater, Arizona. With only 748 people in the town, everyone knows everyone. Even though we all knew each other’s names, we didn’t know anything about our neighbors. The town reminded me of the lame ghost towns you see in the movies. The old jailhouse, my Dad happens to be the sheriff; the old buildings that seem like they are truly haunted. I was born in that town and never left it, neither did my parents. Even though we never left we still had a decent life. There is an old movie theater but they play the new movies that come out and a shopping strip with different types of stores. Even though life in Bluewater was great, there was still one flaw that will never go away. Since I can remember, I have been able to see spirits. They follow me around with their expressions always full of despair and absolutely unbearable to look at. Some are hostile and cry out to me, I ignore them, hoping one day they will just disappear. I regret not listening to them, because now I’m dead.

July 17, 2011, Gizmo and I walked out of the theater after seeing ‘Contagion’. Gizmo is a guy who lives next door to me, he’s my best friend. We walked out of the theater, pushing the high arched glass doors. I felt the warm summer breeze slowly graze my cool skin, making me shiver. I looked at Gizmo to see the breeze flowing through his golden hair, each strand dancing in the wind. He smiled at me flashing his perfect white teeth. I grinned back instantly, like I was commanded to. His crystal blue eyes glowed as we walked to the dusty street waiting for his parents to come get us. I looked over to see Derek Holt, the guy I have had a crush on for the last year. He was sadly, hand in hand with the beautiful, yet horrid, Jade Lynn; her bewildering black hair shimmering under the street lights. They passed me and Gizmo without even a glance and I couldn’t help but stare, my heart pounding so hard in my chest I’m surprised they couldn’t hear it. Gizmo snapped me out of my unhappy-gaze by putting his hand on my shoulder.

After 10 minutes, me arguing why that movie should have had at least one shirtless guy. Gizmo laughed and told me “Not every movie is ‘Twilight’ Hanna.” I just stuck my tongue out at him like the immature person I always am. As we sat there in the steamy outside I started to wonder where his parents were. I turned to him he was looking down the road where his parents should have been driving down.

I groaned. “Dude, where is your parents? It has been like thirty minutes.”

Gizmo looked at me then turned away. “Hanna I don’t know just chill. Here let me call them.” He pulled out his white IPhone and dialed his parents. As he talked on the phone I looked around the parking lot seeing it was nearly empty. I checked the time, it was 9:26 P.M. The movie ended at eight but we went and ate at the small restaurant Felipe’s Pizza Place. Every time we went to a movie we ate there, it was like tradition to us. Gizmo slid his phone in his pocket.

I asked “So, where are they?”

He looked at me, “Not coming.” He sighed.

“Are you serious?” I spewed.

“Yeah my Mom said we can take the shortcut.” He suggested.

“No.” I stuttered. “Not through the creepy graveyard Gizmo! I would rather take the long way!” I wailed. My voice echoed off the old buildings, repeating what I said through the wind. I shivered at the thought of walking through there. I hadn’t seen a spirit in a long time, which I thought was a good thing for me back then.

“Then I guess you’re walking alone, later Hanna.” He whispered turning and walking away from me.

“Wait.” I groaned. I jogged towards him, making one of the biggest mistakes in my life.

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