Hi, fellow ARMYs!
May you find the lyrics of a bangtan song you want to sing along here!
Thanks for adding this in your lovely libraries, hoping this is a big help for your conveniences.
I would be glad to know your feedbacks on the lyrics so please if you may, just feel free to comment!
If I haven't included
a bangtan song's lyrics you
ARMYs desire, you can
openly make a request!Thanks a lot for reading
this short notice from
Seokjin's Wifeu. ㅋㅋㅋ
Waiting for your feedbacks!
May BTS fill your day! *spreads bangtan kisses*
Bangtan Lyrics
RandomCan't fluently sing along to their songs because you don't know the lyrics? Well, humming no more! Behold, Bangtan Lyrics is here! Updating from O! RUL8, 2? up to their future albums. Stay tuned! ☺