Aaliyah (whole chapter of just her point of view)

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"Get up now" my sister Layla jumps on my bed "it's your first damn day of collage" I couldn't wait but really honestly wasn't ready I rather be home with her an my nephew Xander is three an he's seriously the cutest thing ever anyways.
I'm Aaliyah smith I'm 19 years old an I graduated from high school in June an it's September 3, an I'm ready for College most people thought that since my parents died, I wont wouldn't make it up anywhere I would just fall an sink and not become anything. But I guess they were wrong because look at me now ima make it to the top. I'm very very single, an I couldn't be more happy my ex Trey prob going to start stuff at College, because I dumped his sorry ass. But to bad guy had no future I mean I'm in to thugs an tattoos but I want a boy who got his mind right so Ima stay away from them thugs .
"You already ?" (Layla)
"Yeah just double checking my bags " I had about 5 bags full of close an one with shoes . I'm so not ready to go but I leave an get ready for my flight .

(SKIPPPPPP Meets room mate -Jen 18 nice black think short girl 5'0)
(I'm 4'11 btw)
Nice to see that Jen was kinda another me you KNO crazy an bout shit feel me . I unpacked an went to the library to get all my books .
"Aye Ma "
"Me lol Ik you didn't just call me Ma"
I turned around an this hot mother fucka was standing right there
"Lol my bad shorty you new here"
"Have you seen me here before ?"
"Nah? "
"Then I'm new"
Lol I'dk why nigha try I'm to smart for my own good .
"My bad shorty let me get your number I'll show you around tomorrow"
"What ever (5564788789)"
"Aaliyah , you ?"
Man maybe they named him August cuz he's body looks lit In the summer man he's so damn fine but let me fall back. My day just keep going an I mean it was pretty lit I honestly was enjoying in an then it was over back to my room I went . Jens Ass was sleeping when I went back so I went to the bathroom an called Layla
"Heyyyy!"she answered
"Omg I love it here"
" how is it so far I mean anybody hot yet ?"
"Yeah I mean, some kid August was in the library give me his number an everything "
"Aye aye aye "
"But I'm just calling to say goodnight I love you night to my baby to "
AN with that she said I love you back an hung up
I laid down an then my phone lighted up
(August )
-goodnight cutie see you tomorrow 😉
-lol goodnight boy see you tomorrow 😂😋
AN with that I turned around an went to sleep .

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