Sophie's Death: One-Shot

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Sophie lay asleep in the den the next morning. Her cat, Sherekan, lay on her lap, gently nudging her. The binder containing her philosophy course was at her side, the pages fluttering in the wind. Suddenly,  Sherekan started to lick her face frantically. When Sophie's eyes fluttered open, she was astonished to see her mentor in philosophy standing over her, a smile on his face.
"Hello, Sophie Amundsen, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person!"
"Alberto Knox?" Sophie exclaimed
"That is me" the philosopher replied. "I have some information to give you, well, I suppose I won't be the one talking."
In an instant, Alberto Knox whipped out a golden-colored wand and pointed it at Sophie. This is for safety, he tried to reassure himself. No harm was to be done, right! Sophie, however, sat still as a rock, her face contorted in fear.
"A wand? Wands are for magic, not pleasant chats on philosophy! Wait-does that mean the mirror magic after all?"
Before he could answer, Sherekan lept from Sophie's lap. She stared at the wand-clad figure for a moment, before morphing into another figure entirely. A moment later, a human girl wearing a long cloak, a little taller than Sophie stood in the cat's place. She had fair skin and dark hair, and she quirked an eyebrow at the girl sitting on the patchy grass. A smug grin played at her lips.
"Hello, Sophie, My name is Hilde Møller Knag"
"What?!" Sophie exclaimed. How was it possible that her cat turned into a human? Her lessons with the philosopher mentioned Heraclitus and his thought of nature changing, but Sophie didn't think he ment like this! On the contrary, she knew who Hilde was now. Or did she?
"Did I stutter?" Hilde said, raising her voice slightly. "I am Hilde Møller Knag, and I am an animagus witch from the wizarding world. Behind me is Alberto Knox, my grandfather, who is the uncle to your father. That makes you, you little squib, my second cousin."
"Now, Hilde, there is no need for talk like that."
"Sorry, grandfather," Hilde scowled, narrowing her eyes. "It's kind of necessary though, when talking to this foul creature"
The philosopher sighed. Hilde hadn't changed.
Sophie was still sitting, astonished but shaking with fear. A million questions were swimming around in her head. There was no such thing as magic, right? And what were squibs and animagus? She gained the courage to ask the most important question.
"I am related to the philosopher and you?"
"Stupid squib. I said he was your great uncle and my grandfather, did I not?"
"I suppose..."
Hilda stared angrily at Sophie for a minute, considering her options. After deciding, she spoke. "Well, grandfather, I believe you should go now. We wouldn't want you to get hurt, no? Accio Wand!"
Sophie stared in wonder and disbelief as a dark and twisted wand came zooming over the hedge of the garden. Hilde grabbed it in the air.
"Hilde! What if a muggle saw?"
"Don't worry grandfather. It was hidden in the garden for years; no mudbl-muggles could have seen."
The philosopher-wizard looked at his granddaughter sadly. "Oh Hilde, just don't don't do it with your wand! Take the trace off, and hide the weapon. I don't want you to be sent to Azkaban! You are all I have left!"
A flicker of guilt appeared on the young witches face when she looked at her last living wizard relative, but it disappeared quickly after she whispered "I'll be careful, grandfather. Meet me in the woods, please".
Sighing, Alberto Knox spun on his heel and disappeared.
As Hilde approached Sophie while waving her wand carelessly, she began to laugh. It was a slow and drawn out chuckle at first, but soon she was cackling madly.
"You're a real bore to the readers, Sophie."
Sophie stared in shock. The fourth wall! How could one so easily tear it down? It took Sophie all her strength to keep it intact, but Hilde took it out in one swift strike.
"Erumpere!" a slightly insane looking Hilde muttered pointing her wand at herself. Hundreds of fine glowing blue lines formed a net over her body. Hilde pointed her wand and said Excité! to a rock near her foot. Good, Hilde thought to herself, no trace for now. She'd have to take it back later.
"Well, do you agree?" Hilde spat at a slightly shocked Sophie.
Seeing her mad and angry face, Sophie squeaked and scuttled to a corner, burying herself partially in the hedges.
"Sophie Amundsen, I have asked you once and I will not ask you again!"
"I... I sup-suppose I m-might be..." She replied in a small voice.
"You suppose?" Hilde asked, with a far too wide smile and raised eyebrows. Hilde's voice dropped to barely a whisper. "Do you know the pain you have caused all the readers from the class of Professer Dankosky?" Sophie was utterly confused. "Simon, Trini, PrincessJah (that's me, the author!), even the pacifist Abigail, they would all appreciate you dead. They would appreciate your books burned." Hilde stared Sophie down with a look of disgust painting her face. 
"Do you know, you filthy little squib, you embarrassment to book culture, you dirty little prat? You call your mum stupid? You tell her she know nothing or has problems? She is a witch just like me, or your father, or grandfather. And you dare to INSULT HER!" The witch's voice came to a near scream at this part.
Sophie didn't know what to do. She admitted it was disrespectful to have insulted her mum like that, but at the moment, she was enthralled in philosophical ideas.
As if she could read Sophie's mind, Hilde smirked. "Feeling remorseful now, huh, Sophie? Regretting your choices? Too bad you will get what you deserve. You have hurt many more people than me, Sophie, and I've hurt a lot of people."
Tears welled in Sophie's eyes as she tried to see what she did wrong. How had she hurt more people than the psychopath in front of her?
"Homicidium ferro!" Hilde barely whispered, glaring at Sophie with a evil grin. Her wand twisted and turned, glowing a pale grey that was oddly bright. Moments later, a sharp, jagged, and extremely pointy knife was in its place.
"Oh, and Sophie?" Sophie looked up slightly, paleing from her normally fair coloring to deathly white when she saw the knife. Hilde flicked it lazily and Sophie was dragged in by the ankle to the middle of the den space. Hilde's smile at this moment was the widest she'd ever smiled.
It was the last Sophie heard. Hilde's aim had been true. A low chuckle filled the air as a girl, barely sixteen, scourgified the den and wrapped an invisibility cloak around the body.
The deed was finally done.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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