Hi guy's it Anna! Want a cover too? Request in my cover-shop!
Follow me for a better chance in getting a trailer.
There are rules and guidelines I need to go over.
G U I D E L I N E S:
Has to have at-least 150 views.
R U L E S:
1. I don't do erotic romance.
2. Do not request more than five times.
3. Can't be a model. CAN be a youtuber, actor, singer, or reality t.v. star.
4. Can't be anything one direction. I am done with that crap. Sorry. :)
5. Has to be published. *So I can see if you used it.*
6. Has to use it for two weeks or more.
Not to be rude or anything but if I see a form request that caught my eye than I would do it. It can't be a boring or OKAY request it has to be a detailed, well written vocabulary, no spelling mistakes plot with a perfect form. Just saying. Because it takes me HOURS to make perfect trailers so it's a 3/10 chance yours is going to get accepted.
F O R M:
Texts: *put the caption you want me to put in there*
I'll message you the payment after you get the cover.
RandomTrailers for you :} Rules, Payment, & guidelines inside! . . . ❝Ravenclaw.❞