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I was finally conscious again! But, the sight I saw when I first opened my eyes was terrifying. There were a lot of people that were handcuffed. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Anna! She was ok! But, she was standing next to a.......a.........shadow? She was not ok! Where was John? I was with him and then I was taken and he was gone. I wonder if he is ok.

Then I saw John. Behind the SHADOW!?!?! Oh my gosh! This is not ok!! I finally am conscious and the first thing I see is everything going wrong. John was reaching for the shadow and Anna was.......I don't even know. Why is John reaching for the shadow? It is DANGEROUS!!!!! Wait......John is not just going for the shadow.........he is going for the key. To take Anna's handcuffs off.

Great! Not great! The shadow started to turn around. Then, Anna caught its attention.

"Hey shadow!", she said as snotty as she could.

It let out a loud grunt and flung itself at her. HE WAS GOING TO HURT HER!!!!! I needed to help, so without thinking.

I put myself in between the shadow and Anna and everything went black again.

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