They Find You

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Jeff The Killer

You were currently sleeping in your crib. You were only 2 months old. Yet you never cried."Go to sleep" a raspy voice whispered raising a knife above your small form. You opened yours only to be met with lidless insanity filled eyes that would send shivers down anyone's spine. Except you. You smiled looking up at the shocked killer. He put the knife closer to your form but all you did was giggle and clap your tiny hands."Your not scared of me" he looked at your stitched shirt "(Y/n)" he said with a small chuckle and put his knife away."Hmm well since I've already killed your parents and I don't feel that a beautiful baby like you should die along side them. I'll take you home with me." he stated and picked you up and left the house.

BEN Drowned
BEN chuckled saying the catchphrase that scared many people and children when they hear it."You shouldn't have done that" he whispered with a slight smirk as he crawled out of the television making the girl in front of the screen scream. This just made him grin more knowing he could bring terror into her life. Once he was out of the television he saw the woman with horrified look on her face. He quickly killed her and set fire to her body as to burn the evidence. When he was about to leave the now burning house he was stopped by the sound of crying coming from one of the rooms."Dammit!" He muttered heading to the room getting ready to kill the person in there. He peeked his head into one of the rooms and his red pupil eyes widen in surprise seeing you in your crib crying as the smoke of the fire was swirling around your room."Well considering you weren't the one that played my game I don't have to kill you and seeing as I already killed your mom I guess I could take you with me" He mused with a sharp toothed smile. He picked you up gently and started walking to the television set in the next room and away from the fire."Now what to call about (Y/n)?" He questioned earning a giggle and clap from you. He smiled once more and nodded heading through the television screen.

Slenderman was currently teleporting through his woods,someone had picked up one of his pages therefore starting his little hunt for his victim or victims. He saw them ahead and saw a man and a woman holding a small bundle in her arms. He automatically knew it was a baby and was about to let them go considering he hated killing children and he didn't want this one being left in the woods in it's parents blood. That is until he saw the couple putting the baby down and started walking away. That made him snap they were about to leave you,a helpless child out in the woods to die. He was not about to let that happen. His tentacles came out of his back and towards the couple while his regular arms picked you up gently as to not frighten you. He covered your (E/c) eyes as he ripped your parents apart limb from limb. Afterwards he carried you away from the seen and looked down at you with a 'smile'."You look like an (Y/n) so that is what you shall be called" He mused heading back towards his mansion.

Eyeless Jack
You were in your play pin while your parents were asleep in their room. They had forgotten you yet again but seeing as you were only a few months old you didn't understand so you were just sleeping on the hardwood flooring,cuddling to your (Favorite Toy).You jolted awake when you heard the shuffling in your parents room but thought nothing of it considering your dad was a late night snacker and would usually come down for some cereal and what not. Though after a while you heard nothing it was absolutely silent and you decided to go back to sleep but as you were closing your (E/c) eyes you heard someone walking downstairs quietly but you shook it off and went back to sleep. Eyeless Jack was walking down the stairs seeing as he smelled flesh other than the parents.'Great more kidneys for me' he thought with a hunger filled,shark toothed smile under his royal blue mask. Though he stopped as soon as he saw a sleeping child on the floor. He let out a low growl as he thought about your parents leaving you on the ground. He walked over to your sleeping form and picked you up gently."I'll take good care of you......(Y/n)" He mused softly and smiled at the name that fit you oh so perfectly before leaving the house.

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