compassion is a noun, the meaning of compassion is to feel sympathetic pity or concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others as in the victims should be treated with compassion.
compassion isn't always used that way, some use it for pleasure in themselves, that can be called being selfish some people may use it to attract another by faking compassion.
some say compassion is for the weak. Those who say that compassion is for the weak are secretly weak themselves simple because they lack the feelings of concern for one and instead of showing affection they show hatred and dislike, I for one think that those people are rotting on the inside and need love but because they cant show love no one wants to love them.
affection is a noun that means a gentle feeling of fondness of liking and physical expression of these things.
some may think affection, compassion, love, pity, and sympathy do not exist but yet they use at least one of those things everyday. Feelings are like flowers there all special in there own ways, flowers are like feelings each one is delicate.
Poesiathis is basically a whole bunch of poems and some little stories but I have some great poems and some lesser ones and I mixed them up so if you give up half way through you will never know what you may be missing out on