The Beginning

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"Dad please don't do this to us!" Sam said as she begged her father not to put the serum. "I have to honey, you and your friends are humanity's only hope to win this fight." Sam's father said while nodding to Mr.Donnald, Mrs.Todd, and Mrs.Hilton. they were all our parents. They were scientists for the CDC. Mr.Donnald was Taylor's dad, Mrs.Todd was Mac's mom, and Mrs.Hilton was Bridget's mom. The globe was engulfed with a man-made disease that made most of the population go crazy. First people would develop insomnia then they would have chronic pain and headaches. Eventually they would lose all body hair and they would develop bloodshot eyes and fevers.

I only knew about this because my father told me and showed me files on it. It was a high crime but the world was dyeing and he needed us to understand, or at least me. "I'm going to inject this into your blood stream and it will keep you healthy for now on and give you the ability to help others," he says as he cleans my arm. The others do the same and inject the thin needle into our blood stream. We all feel a sharp pain in us as it goes through out our bodies. It felt like our skin was being peeled off with a knife.

After that our parents unstraped us from the tables. They told us they loved us and to trust them and stay here. They all left the room and after a minute heard four gun shots. We rushed to the room that we heard them and found our parents on the ground. The floor the shade of crimson and the walls look like someone splattered chunks of meat and red paint on it. We all scream in horror at the sight of our dead parents. I have the last thing my father said stuck in my head, "never split up, stay together, work together, and you'll survive, I love you so much honey and your mom would be proud," he said as he kissed my forehead.

I had to gathered my thoughts and told everybody what my father had said to me. We decided we would stay together and figure out what he meant. When we walked out of the CDC lab we saw everything on fire and massive amounts of crimson as it covers the city. We linked arms and walked off. We were on maple avenue when we spotted a person. "Hey over here! Can you hear us, can you help us!?" Taylor says as he waves his hands in the air. The guy turned around but he didn't seem normal. He started to make this weird noise like crackling moans. He started to pick up the so we all ran we ran for a couple of blocks, but then we tripped and we all landed on top of each other and we started to glow.

Cliffhanger, bum bum bumm

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