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The boy and girl stood in the forest hands clasped together desperately, she had her eyes clasped shut as if blocking something out while he was standing wide eyed at something no one could see. The girls long auburn curls flicked around her shoulders like fire and her skin was the colour of fresh milk while he had dark hair and his eyes were dark green. "Do you wanna go then?" She said looking at him sadly her voice was raspy like she had a bad sore throat or she'd been crying for a long time. " Scarlett you don't have too do this " the boy shouted grabbing her shoulders desperately so he faced her, two tears dropped from her eyes and fell silently down her cheek. "Just listen for one minute! I got us into this mess and I'm getting us out of it" Scarlett pulled his hands away from her and turned too go walking slowly as if the whole gloom of the situation had over powered her, she walked for a few minutes alone and quiet crying softly then she felt a hand slowly snake through hers and she looked up too see this god , the boy of her dreams standing beside her smiling sadly, he pulled her slightly towards him and they walked again towards the darkness....


I decided too go in a completely different direction + I think its for the best , I decided too postpone 'my summer romance' as I've kinda got writers block with that one.. I was thinking of writing 'scarlett' ages ago + I got the idea for it ages ago...

This is only a short intro I know but I'm gonna write TWO new chapter either tomorrow or saturday so be grateful :P!

ELLE x x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2011 ⏰

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