What's It Like.

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  You need to watch.
You need to watch your surroundings and the people around you.If you watch, you can see it slowly happening. The city, it changes throughout the day. It's happening to you and everyone else right now, you don't notice it because it's happening so gradually.

It's the most dangerous at night. It almost seems like a movie waiting to happen. But this is real life. That's something you have to deal with.

You can see when the city starts to change. Civilians start go grow restless. They start angrily texting as if they are arguing with their ex's. Taxi drivers bickering loudly with their employers on the phone. Slamming their hands on the steering wheel, twisting the volume up on the built-in radio, tapping out the beat like a drummer in a rock band. The luminous green paint of their vehicle reflects off of the mirrored windows of the buildings as they zoom past. Shouting, arguing, pushing, shoving. This is going on throughout your day. Night is much worse.

Arghh! The noise echos loudly through the littered streets. Slumped, weak creatures heavily step through darkened alleyways and well-lit roads. The creature's skin was decaying rapidly and translucent lime goo started to ooze out of every pore. Flesh was torn from their bodies and the clothes they were wearing earlier that day was ripped to shreds. This hour is feeding time for them. They would walk out and devour anyone who wasn't affected. The buildings stood paralyzed in fear at the beneath them. Shops and pubs fell asleep at this time. Skyscrapers and hotels surrendered as the monsters banged lifelessly at the door. Cars and taxis shook viciously when they watched their owners tear someone apart.

This is what it's like at night. It's like a cannibalistic monster out there. At least you decided to be smart and stayed inside.

Now you see why you need to watch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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