15. Thanksgiving {Part 1}

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Emily opened her eyes, the sunlight blinding her. She groaned and covered her eyes with her arm. Zayn was sleeping sound asleep next to her when suddenly her stomach started to hurt her once again. This had been the third time this week so she knew where this was going. She ran straight for the bathroom down the hall, opened the toilet and emptied the continents of her stomach. Sitting back Emily flushed the toilet and resting her head in her hands.

"Babe, you alright?" Zayn called out from the other side of the door.

"Yeah I'm fine" she lied standing up. She looked in the mirror, not even recognizing her own reflection. Her skin was paler than usual, bags underneath her eyes and her hair was a mess. She patted it down a little to attempt to fix it. She bent down and turned on the cold water, gathering water in her hands and splashing it on her face.

She dried her face and took a deep breath before opening the door, Zayn was standing in front of it, only in his boxers.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked placing his hands on her shoulders and looking deep into her eyes.

She nodded and let out a shaky breath, "Probably just food poisoning " she smiled weakly.

A crease grew on Zayn's forehead, "Do you want me to cancel our plans?" He asked, referring to them going over to Clara's house for Thanksgiving. She shook her head once more forcing a full smile on her face.

"No, we are not missing Thanksgiving, I'll be fine" She leaned up to kiss his cheek. She then made her way down the hall to her kitchen. She felt horrible about lying to him, but she couldn't tell him the truth at least not yet.


"Come on please?" Clara begged, yanking at her boyfriend's arm. They were currently at the supermarket, buying the items they needed for Thanksgiving dinner. They sure needed a lot of food because they invited everyone over, even Niall was coming back home with his new girlfriend Sarah.

"No, Clara we are not getting ice cream, we are gonna make apple pie and that is final" Harry ordered. Clara acted as if she was 5, pouting and stomping away. Harry laughed at her childish behavior and followed after her.

"And we danced all night to the best song ever

We knew every line

Now I can't remember

How it goes but I know

That I won't forget her

Cause we danced all night to the best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh

I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah

I think it goes..."

Clara sang as she waited for Harry to unpack the groceries in the car. The music was so loud she didn't even notice when Harry came in and sat down next to her. She continued to sing while Harry watched her with an amused smile on his face.

"Enjoying yourself love?" Harry asked turning the radio down a little.

Clara screamed holding her chest afterward, "God, don't scare me like that" she yelled smacking his shoulder.

He laughed smirking at her, "Sorry babe". Clara rolled her eyes playfully before reaching for her seat belt.

"So you were a Directioner all this time?" he asked starting the engine and backing out of the parking spot.

"Well you guys were awesome" she smiled.

Harry smiled at her, "And how come you never told me this?" he asked keeping his eyes on the road.

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