That horrible sleep over

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I never thought it would turn out like this. I never thought this would be how I died. I always thought that I would die after I have accomplished something in my life. I mean I am not even a teenager. How did this even happen? All because of my secret.


"Sooo I saw the way he looked at you during class. The way he laughed at all your jokes." Anna exclaimed.

"He laughed because they were funny not because he likes me. Look we went out in the past and it didnt work out. We used to be close friends and then when we broke up things changed we didn't talk very much and we are just now getting close again and I don't want to ruin that. Plus HE DOESN'T LIKE ME!" I was starting to shout but I was able to maintain it. Anna has been my best friend for as long as I could remember and I don't know what I would do if I lost her.

"What ev I know what I saw. Where is Demi she should be here by now. Oh wait never mind I know. Just forget I said anything."

I stared at her for a minuet then I looked in the direction she was looking. I saw the family bathroom I rolled my eyes. What did he do this time?"

"Who Jacob he did nothing. It is her brother. Marcel is wanting her to break up with jake, but she is refusing. She is in there balling her eyes out but I'm not supposed to tell anyone. So keep it on the down low ok." She slammed her locker door. I motioned to her lets go and we snuck over to the bathroom. When we walked in we saw her sitting under the sink in a corner next to the trash can. We just walked over and sat with her I was on her right and Anna was on Demi's left we just say there I had my arms wrapped around her.

"I tell you what lets have a girls night like we used to we can have a few people come over. It will be fun we can sing and dance and watch "chick flicks" and eat tons of popcorn, cookie dough, and ice cream. It will be fun what do you say?" I said helping her up and wiping away her tears.

She sniffed the exhaled "Maybe that will help" she muttered. Then we walked out discussing who we should invite. We walked over to Ann and Michelle. They are basically stuck together.

"Hey guys. We are going to have a big sleep over tonight at my art studio and we wanted to know if you guys would want to come." I said looking around the hallway for Riley to invite her. They looked at each other and shrugged.

"What time should we show up to the your studio and where is it?" Ann wondered. I handed her a map to the studio and told her she could show up anytime.

"All we are going to do is stop by Demi and Anna's houses and get there clothes then head to the apartment. It is on level nine room B7. See you there." We waved and walked over to Riley. We told her the exact same thing we told Ann and Michelle.


"We need to stop by Shop and Save and get food for everyone. What time is it anyway?" Demi mumbled on and on about more stuff.

"It is almost 3:45 and we are five min away from my apartment. So I guess we have time what should we get? Do you want me to pull over at this next exit?"


We spent $20.75 on birthday cake ice cream, pink cupcakes, and popcorn. By the time we got to my apartment Riley and Olivia, Anna's cousin, were waiting for us. I unlocked my door and Demi and Anna brought the groceries to the kitchen I showed Riley and Olivia to my 6 by 5 foot dressing room and put down Demi and Anna's bags and they put down theirs. They walked out I was about to when I turned around and saw something I really wish I hadn't. I mean I am used to it but not tonight any day but today.

That horrible sleep overWhere stories live. Discover now