;❄; C o l d ;❄;

167 8 0

☁2 9 0   w o r d s☁
☁s h o r t  F l u f f☁
☁k u r o k e n☁
       Kenma was currently sat next to Kuroo on their sofa, watching a movie. A horror movie. Not that Kenma was scared no not in the least. He knew what happened ahead of time through observation. Every now and then he would hear Kuroo say 'damn'.
  "Wrong again?" Kenma looked up from the television to face Kuroo.
He simply nodded his head, "how can you guess what'll happen to the characters? Freaking superhuman powers you got there".
    Kenma just shrugged his shoulders. They continued the movie, again, Kenma heard occasional 'tchs' or 'damns'.
    Slowly Kenma got bored of the movie, sure he flinched at some parts but that was about it. He could feel his eyelids slowly drooping shut as his head tilted just so slightly, landing on Kuroos shoulder. Kuroo flinched but relaxed soon enough staring at Kenma in a loving way. Kuroo softly smiled and continued with the movie. He was soon enough to fall asleep too, so he slowly started moving as Kenma shifted positions in his sleep. Kuroo walked over to the closet, grabbing two quilts he took both and plopped down on the couch next to Kenma. Before falling asleep Kuroo looked over at Kenma who, was in fact, shivering.
     He sighed, and nervously laughed. He took Kenma, held him bridal style, he then put Kenma on the chair next to the couch to soon unfold the couch into the bed [;))) ]
       Kuroo gently picked kenma up who was softly snoring and put him on the side closest to the couch cushions. Taking the quilts he draped them over bothe him and Kenma to fall asleep hugging him.
    Kenma eventually  hugged Kuroo, thinking that he was a pillow and they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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