Last day of High-school

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In the morning, waking up and the bright sun blooming at me. Woke up and jumped out of my bed and got dressed and ran down stairs to see whats for breakfast. So I smelt golden syrp slithering down a tower of pancakes and thought im hungry. My stomach rumbled, my mother instantly took a peek and saw me standing upstairs staring at the tower of PANCAKES, my mother then screamed at me " KATY, STOP TAKING A PEEK ITS A SURPRISE, BUT ITS TOO LATE NOW! HURRY UP AND COME DOWN HERE!" So I instantly nodded my head, jumped off three steps with joy and happiness. As I ran to the table my older brother turned up and pushed me, making me to fall splat on the floor with my face and it happened. He laughed and angrily said " ITS MINE NOW! slow poke!" I was so angry I wanted to hit him. My Mum then, served another plate for me but a smaller version so BOOHOO! 5 mins later................................. My Mum gave me my lunch as I was walking out the exit and kissed me on the cheek with a warm goodbye! Rode my bike with joy down the road.

I finally landed on school grounds and parked my bike where other people park their bikes.. Till bullies came along and ruined my day. They all pushed me back and fourth again and again. I was so dizzy and they took all my money out of pocket as they pushed me back and fourth. Till they walked off and left me hangin on the floor like a dead cat that just got ran over. I slowly walked to class. Till the bell rang and I was sooo LATE! I quickly put all my stuff away in the cloakroom and headed to the entertance of the classroom and sat to my desk.

Sitting there with nothing to do, Miss Kingsley said " Goodmorning Room 13, We are learning about LEADERSHIP!" My head just ducked up and I had a smurk. " Can anyone tell me what LEADERSHIP is? I suddenly put my hand up so high, I felt like the Sky Tower. Miss Kingesley pointed at me, I professionally expained " Leadership is a quality that can take you to the next level of Confidence or a responsibility, It can take you to careers you can never think of and can take you to the highest level that anyone has ever reached in there whole life,so, Leadership is a next step for your future goal!" I looked at Miss Kingesley with a brave head up high and she stared at me with a smurk and gave me a little wink and screamed " YOU ARE 100% RIGHT" I laughed with joy and jumped up. All the students were just watching me thinking " She needs counselling!" But I was so proud. Miss Kingesly wrote on the board of what I said, but she stopped and her hand was going up and down pointing at me. She asked me " So then, what do you want to be when you grow up?" I suddenly thought about it and replied " a pime minister of NZ!" Miss Kingesley laughed with joy. She looked at me asking me " you sure, because it's a REALLY HARD JOB!" But I looked at her thinking YOU CRAZY WOMEN. All the students laughed and pointed at me like there's no other day. I was about to cry, till the bell rang and it was time for morning tea. I slowly walked out the door with my head facing the ground and a sad frown growing on my face. As I got my morning tea out of my bag, kids started teasing me about my future goal they were saying mean stuff like "YOUR TOO DUM FOR THAT CAREER!" "YOU DUM BUM!" I just ingnored and carried on eatting. I was thinking to myself (I'm not dum, I'm not stupid, if they want to judge me they can judge me. Whatever I think is going to come true, even if I'm 18 yrs old and it's my last year! But I'm still proud!)

Morning tea was over and everyone was heading back to class, Miss Kingesley said " Room 13 keep quiet, you guys are going to be in partners its optional if you want. You are going to present a project based on your future career goal and what industry you are going to study in for your career. But you guys have to explain of how you are going to use LEADERSHIP? And its due on Wedneseday, so you have from today and Tuesday, so you can either present it on a Powerpoint or a little project but it has to look good!" I was thinking ( Okay, this is easy. I'm going to think of my future goal again and see if its suitable for me.) Miss Kingesley asked the people " Okay, I'm going to go to each table and you have to tell me what colour paper you want, okay Room13!" The students replied " YES MISS KINGESLEY!" She came to my table first and asked me what colour I want and I said " Blue and White please!" she gave those colours. Blue and White represent our NZ flag and the prime minister has a tie that he always wears for an important event. My friend Chrsha asked " What are you doing?" and I replied " Prime Minister!" Chrisha said " I'm doing a Veternerian, they are docters that help animals" 5 hrs later of school.......... The school bell rang, "Okay, Class the bell just rang and its time to go home so remember to do your homework and its due on Wednesday okay. You guys have a good day and the ones who are walking home meet me out up the court. Okay goodbye ROOM 13!" All the studants ran out the door and graabed there bags to head off to there parents while I stay back to ask Miss Kingesley something, as everyone went up court I went to Miss Kingesley and asked " Is being a Prime Minister suitable for me? Wht do you think?" "Why?" respond Miss Kingesley " Because poeple have been teasing me!" I answered "just be yourself, listen to yourself be what you want to be do what you want to do in the future, it's up you" echoed Miss Kingesley, she put her hand on my shoulder patting it and hugged me for some comfort. " Now, I will see you later okay don't listen to others, JUST BE YOURSELF!" she said, I suddenly ran off and screeched "THANK YOU MISS KINGESLEY!" I grabbed my bike and waved goodbye to all my friends and rode off thinking ( I should listen to her words they were trtuly spoken with a warm heart, yup whatever anybody thinks about my career I will still carry on to my future goal.)

Tuesday: Still School

It's a rainy and windy day, trees blowing and the windows are cover in frost making our house to be freezing cold. The school bell started ringing again and again. "Time to go to class!" talking to myself with a bunch of books in my arms. I walked to my desk and sat down on my desk, Miss Kingesley called out the roll " Maria,.......... Katy!" "Morning Miss Kingesley!" I answered. Miss Knigesley looked at me and gave me a thumbs up and I did it back to her and smiled and carried on calling the roll. "Okay, Room 13 have you made your choice of being with a partner or by yourself!" we all shoutedto Miss Kingesley " Okay, Katy are you single or with someone?" "I am single and is doing Prime Minister" I rejoinered, all the students started laughing and sayin " are you single! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" I started to grow a smurk and burst out a laugh with joy. Miss Kingesley joined in the herd. I settled down and sat right back down to my desk, till the bell rang for morning tea and all the students ran towards the cloakroom to get there food. " Hey Katy, nice joke you did!" announced Frank, "yeah, that was so fuuny!" spoke Chrisher, Anna,Abbey and Caleb agreed with Chrisher. 9 hrs later of school work......................... "BYE! MY LOVELY SERVANTS!:" I screamed to my friends. Riding cheerfully down the hill on my bike and the sun shining bright on me.

Wednesday: Time for Presentation

"Okay,has everybody completed there project I said for you to do from 2 days ago!" asked Miss Kingesley, "YES!" Room 13 roared. Miss Kingesley gave Room 13 a thumbs up and we all had a smile on our cheerful faces. " First up is Katy with her Powerpoint on The Prime Minister of NZ. John Key is the Prime Minster of NZ, he used leadership by supporting his kids in education and he proved that the law is right to have milks in schools.He won that protest againest the labour leader" I explaind to the class. 5 hrs later of Preentation........... After all the peoples projects that have been spoken I feel a bit greatful that I talked about my future goal because its about the truth not alie because people have been teasing you about it. Listen to yourself. " Okay, everyone remember all the yr 13's its your last project you are doing this year so it's your last day tomorrow, BOOHOO! But you ahve done very well and I just wan to give a prize to our three most gifted students Frank,Chrisha and Katy, for being in our class with a gifted heart and a smart mind and hopefully your carrers goals will come true!" Miss Kingesley annonced, all the students gave us three an applause and screamed " HOORAY!"

Thrusday: Last Day at McAuley High School

"WAA!WAA!WAA! IT'S MY LAST DAY!I"M GONNA MISS ALL OF YOUS!!" I cried. BYE! McAuley I will always remember you, it was time for me to leave McAuley all ups and downs have finally faded away but will always be remembered. "Okay, is everyone ready to go to their University" annonced Miss Miles. We all replied "YES MISS MILES!"We were all sad and didn't want to go but it had to be the end of our old friends and school,I'm ready for my future goal to be a Prime Minister of NZ. My industry is going to be serving the public, bhopefully I know what I'm doing. There we go, heading off with warm goodbyes to McAuley High School. Our first stop was at Auckland University the biggest of them all in NZ. I walked down the ile on the bus kissing all the Yr 13's, there I go walking down the bus towards the biggest UNI. "BYE KATY WE'L MISS YOU FOREVER!" they all cried. I walked off with Frank and Louise into the gates of a wholoe new world. We grabbed our bags and asked where our rooms were and me and Louise were in the same room we were sharing with other two people, who were Jackie and Alex (a girl) we both introduced ourselves,but they just stood there looking all shy. But I asked them "so shall we go to our room." We walked toward the bedroms and looked for 619b, we walked inside and their was a long twil of stairs heading up to the highest floor but we decied to take the elevater. So we entered and the first floor was opened we walked out of the elevater with our suitcases and there it was 619b. We all put our hands on the door knob and opened the door. With a loud squeak on the door, we looked inside and it there were purple walpaper,beds they made nicely with pink cushions and blue pillows and the floor was whit fluffy. We all happlily screamed and jumped inside and walked inside our feet were twiggiling in the carpet because it was so soft. We all bagged our bed, I bagged a bed near a good veiw of the University. I put all my clothes in a chore and my shoes and bathroom belongings in the bathroom, we all hugged each other and looked at each other and unconnect of what happened. " Come let's go get some lunch"asked Louise, so we followed Louise towards the cafe.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2013 ⏰

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