Video Games- Luke

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*going to start with Luke, because he starts with L and i start with L as well*
*Y/N's POV*
I groan as i lose again to Luke. I cant believe it, he's actually beaten me! Usually he's losing to every game we play. This isnt fair, im the winner in this relationship.
"I got a game we can play, lets play FIFA!" I say smirking.
Im actually pretty good a FIFA for a girl. Im better than all the boys, im better than Daniel! I know, its shocking.
"Hahha whatever! Your foing to lose anyway!"
I put the CD into the PS4 and the game loads. I choose Arsenal and he choose Manchester United. I've been upgrafing my players behind their back so i have a tiny advantage.
The score was 79 to 41 my way. I laugh and it was full time. I won! Yes i finally won at something.
He throws his remote at the TV and the TV brakes and probably the remote as well. He throws the plate on the coffe table at the wall.
"Wow! Babe, calm down its just a game" i say putting my hand on his shoulder.
His short temper showing as he shakes my hand off. I kjnd of missed this side of him, he hasnt showed it in a long time. It kinda turned me on.
"Babe! Touch me again and i'll punsh you!" Luke warns me.
I smirk!
"What are you going to do about it, Daddy!" I say whisper in his ear running my fingers down his toned stomach.
"Thats it" Luke throws we over his right shoulder and takes me to his room!
I just laugh and he throws me kn the bed. He locks the door and crawls on top of me. He kisses me, its not rough! It was more of a passsionate kiss with a hint of need. I cant help but to kiss him back. He's lips then guided over my neck. Leaving love bites and hickeys.
Im a moaning mess! I cant contain myself.
"I need you Lukey, i need you know!" I grab on to his curly hair and tug on it softly.
"I know baby, soon, you just have to wait after I've funished exploring you beautiful body!"
I blush a bright red colour.
"I love you so much Y/N!"
"I love you too Luke!"
He removes my top and my bra in two swift moves. He kisses my breast.
"You know these, they are mine!" Luke says licking my nipples and attacking them with kisses.
He removes my skirt and my panties! "now this, espicially this! This Y/N! Its mine and mine only and if anyone else touches it imma kill them!" Luke says getting a little bit too protective.
Luke flicks his tounge on my clit, my nerves all focusing on that one thing. I wasnt going to last long, and Luke knew it because he got up and took his pants off. He grabs himself and slowly enters me, i groan at the pain. He just trust into me without letting me adjust to his size.
The pain was replaced with pleasure.
"Ohhhh shit, Fuck Lukey, im not going to last long!" I moan out loud.
"Same here baby, same here! Ohh fuck! It feels so good!" Luke mumblez
"Im going to cum!" I sort of yell, my walls tightening around his throbbing cock.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit! So tight around me! How did i get this lucky?"
"Fuck im cuming!" I cuss out load, my orgasm taking over my whole body.
He thrusts a couple of more times and cums himself. He pulls himself out and we kiss eachother like its just against the world.
We got up and got ready! Our bedroom door swings open with an angry Beau.
"Keep it down, Sluts! Im trying to sleep" he leaves and we just stare at eachother.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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