hold up before I start I just wanna say that this story is just for fun if anyone really likes it then thanks, if ya don't then that's just u. I've had this in my head since I first saw shugo chara I fell in love with ikuto at first site. Also their is going to be alot of stuff from other anime's so just wanna say that when u come to it then u know I'm not try a pass it off
as mine. anyways here we go....PS this is most likely to be a lemon, so be prepared.
Taya was running after a stray black chara egg as usual, ya know even tho her guardians days are over she still finds herself taking care of THEIR business. she sighed she couldn't help it so off she went. Running beside her was shipo her very own chara, she's a wolf chara ,to express her need to care for her "pack" and secretly her mate ,if she ever thought she finds one. She was getting tired of chasing this lil sucker around, but she saw a opening at the end of the little mini park forest path. Taya jumped expecting to keep running but instead felt like she flying... then falling.
sorry I haven't gotten to what she looks like yet but I'm getting their I promise.
Taya felt the ground disappear than reappear in a instant
only the ground didn't usually groan in pain. "man that hurt, who ends a path like that"she groaned (if you've ever seen magikano, Ayumi, thats Taya's voice). Then she felt the ground move under her. Taya turned to see the most gorgeous guy ever and this is coming from the girl whose never even had a crush. He had blue midnight blue hair and eyes, his features could only be described slender,delicate and mysterious. She felt her cheeks warm a little, then he turned his midnight eyes on to her lavender eyes, his blue hair tousled with her pink. Next to him she felt like her light brown skin was too dark, but that thought was quickly gone as he cleared his throat and said "How long do you plan on sitting on me?" OK that's when she got up so quick u couldn't see her, but for some reason she missed his warmth. Then she remembered what she was supposed to be doing,she looked around until she heard a little giggle she looked at the guy but it wasn't him...it was a cat chara with blue shorts and shirt with cross on it. Taya didn't have anytime to react to the little twerp chara cause she still had a job to do. She mumbled a quick sorry and ran after the egg.
Taya cornered the egg in a alleyway, it was getting dark outside, so hopefully no one would see what she was up to. Taya said the words that unlocked her powers "unlock my heart". Her clothes vanished she spun around to catch shippo in her purple egg with claws and wolf paw prints in her hand. She puts its in her chest to since brightly to reveal a bushy wolf tail, ears of a Wolf and a top that crosses behind her to cup her c cup boobs. Her bottoms are some shorts that shapely and her shoes are purple high heel boots. Taya rises her double edged spear and attacks the egg yelling "cleansing claw" as usual she hits it directly for it to shine as its purified. Her transformation ends and it flies away after it's touches her cheek as thanks. Taya looks at her watch and sighs " its 7:30, big bro is gonna kill me for not calling". Her brothers are very protective of her and her sisters. She had been chasing that chara since school let out. Huh school , looking down, she saw her yellow Ashferd Academy uniform looking a little dirty. Taya next wondered if that guy she landed on saw that she was filthy. Her face heated ,then she stopped herself from thinking like that. Face still heated she said " like I care what that guy thinks I'll probably never see him again anyway" Her brown haired red eyed smart-mouthed chara spoke up and said " I think you may want to rethink that." Before she could ask what she meant, Taya felt a presences immediately. "Wow that sure was some skill back there, didn't even break a sweat" his voice was so smooth and deep, I felt shivers go down my spine. Then, it hit her, he saw her fight, which meant he had been following her. Why? she was about to ask when she felt two strong arms wrap around her tightly. They were right under my breast and she felt...excited. No one had ever gotten that close to touching her like that. SheIi would beat the crap out of then if they even tried. His body closer to mine and she wondered ,why was she letting him do this?Taya felt his hard teenage body against hers and let out a little... moan? Taya was not sure what to call it, she had never moaned before. He chuckled and said " You're so interesting, I'll play with you a bit longer" She wanted to punch him in the balls but then he did something that felt amazing... he bit my ear. It was a simple thing but made her feel so alive that she really moaned out loud. But he had to ruin it by chuckling in a cocky way that made her want to knock his teeth in for even starting this whatever this thing he was doing. I guess, sensing danger he leap to the mouth of the alley and said " I'll see you around my cute little doggy" then just as quickly as he came he was gone. Taya, being a dummy ran to the mouth of the alley and screamed " I'M NOT A DOG IMMA WOLF, YOU STUPID CAT!!!!!"
OK ladies and germs my first thing I've ever like ever written. yeah the grammar is crappy but hey I'm writing this on my phone get off my back. So just a recap anything resembling anything from other anime's is because its from those anime's so props and ownership to they rightful owners. so only good things Plz and if they not good then thanks for reading and make good choices in life. if enough people read it then I may continue, jk Of course I will continue,people may get real enjoyment from this so I would really try to continue this. So bye comment, and all that writer jazz.
PS follow me on tumblr my name is taycutie96

my ikuto fantasy
FanfictionTaya Takahashi is perfectly happy with her life. she has her family, friends and her rockn body with natural yes natural to her back length pink hair and lavender eyes. She especially loves that her shugo chara is perfectly like her protecting and n...