Revenge is Bitter Sweet

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It was September 29th, 2014. The 2 year anniversary of Callie Grey's death.

Meredith, a babysitter, reads Johnny and Grayson a bedtime story.

"... She crept down the stairs, waiting to eat the flesh of the little girl in front of her.." She read to them.
"Don't you guys think this book is a little too intense for boys your age?" She questioned them. No one  answered, instead they went to sleep and left her alone.
"A little extra time for myself" she pondered to herself.
She walked down the hall, her feet lightly setting themselves on the cotton carpet, trying not to wake the boys up. Her hands were placed on the wooden railing, balancing Meredith while she walked down the carpeted stairs.
She placed her right foot on the first step, then her left foot on the second. Right before Meredith was going to place her foot on the third step, something pulled her foot, which made her slip and tumble down the stairs. Her head bobbing up and down as she went down. Her body making the sounds "nph" and "boh." The stairs creaking along to her body. Finally, the tumbling stopped. Meredith grabbed the end of the railing, and struggled to pull herself up. Blood trickling down her nose, making its way to the carpet. She noticed blood on the carpet, she raised her hand up to her nose and felt the blood under her nose. She scurried to find napkins. She found napkins on the dinning room table. After she placed one napkin after the other, she went to throw her bloody napkin away. Just to her luck, someone was in the house, at least she thought. She turned around to find a girl that looks like she hasn't showered in years. She was wearing a gown with large amounts of dirt, her hair was dark and long. But what Meredith didn't know is that she was a ghost, a ghost of Callie Grey.
"Look at what you've done to me Meredith" Meredith became confused.
"Look at me." Meredith refused.
"Look at the mess you have made" She didn't dare to look in the dead girl's eyes.
"Do you not know who I am?"
"Do you not remember the girl who used to be so confident in herself before you ruined her life?" Not one peep out of Meredith came out. She remembered. She remembered the girl she used to bully so much in high school. She remembered the day her life flipped upside down. That was today's date, September 29th.
"Callie?" Meredith's voice became raspy.
"It's been 2 years Meredith. 2 years. My family has lived without me for 2 years. Everyday my mom would look at pictures of me and cry because I'm not there with her. Do you realize how much I wanted to comfort her? Do you?" She stepped closer. Meredith stepped back.
"You could have just left me alone. But, no you had to save your reputation" There were tears in Callie's eyes.
"Everyday, I see my parents struggle everyday. Did you know my brother tried to kill himself ?" Meredith shed a few tears.
"I'm so sorry, Callie, I really am" she stepped closer to Callie.
"I don't think you are, I know you aren't" she was right.
"You're only sorry because now you know that I could actually ruin your life like you ruined mine." Callie ended with that sentence and vanished. Never to be seen agin.

Meredith lived in fear ever since that visit from Callie. She worried that at any moment, Callie would kill her. Meredith was never herself. She would fidget at anything. She was paranoid. Callie never killed her, and that was never her intention. She wanted Meredith to feel the pain she had to deal with. Callie got her revenge, she watched Meredith live in fear. She watched Meredith become crazy. She would show her face to Meredith every once in a while. Meredith would try to explain to people what she saw, but no one believed her. Meredith Russell was sent to a metal institution. Her "hallucinations" were getting wild, well according to the doctors.  Now Callie sees Meredith get crazier everyday. Meredith suffers everyday because of the voices in her head, she gets hallucinations, and now Callie's revenge is complete. May Callie Grey rest in peace. Revenge is best unserved. It's better watching them suffer than to die.


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