Spirited Away : return to human world

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It's been six years since I left the bathhouse, Granny and Lin,…and Haku. Didn't he say we'd see each other again? So where is he? I've been stuck here with my parents for six years, six damn years. Why hasn't he come?

Ever since I left the bathhouse with my parents, life has gone to hell in a hand basket. My parents were turned back from humans to pigs. However, they still retained some of their hog-ish qualities; such as they continuously eat…all the time. A three-course meal for breakfast, eating a buffet out of food for lunch, and cleaning out the fridge for dinner, with numerous snacks in between.

My mother, who was a slight 145 lbs before has now sky rocketed to 428 lbs, and my father, who was already large to start with, is now nearing 736 lbs. It's terrible.

I, however, have dropped my weight. I was just at 100 lbs. I am now at a scant 95 lbs. My hair is now at mid-back, almost to my waist. I have grown breasts, but with my weight, I'm only at a size C. The reason I'm so thin is because my parents eat all the food in the house and make me do all the work. I'm punished for not completing all my chores by being sent to my room without any food. And when I try to steal food at night, my parents catch me and beat me. I have bruises all down my arms and legs, scratches on my face, and I've even had a concussion.

My existence has been horrible. The only reason I'm still on this Earth is because I'm waiting for Haku. All I want is for him to come and take me away. I know that everything will be better with him.

One day, after Chihiro had finished her chores around the house and eaten her dinner (a slice of bread and some lettuce), she wearily climbed the stairs to her room. She opened the door and collapsed on the bed without undressing.

During dinner, she had asked for another slice of bread, and her father had hit her in the stomach and slapped her, leaving long, bleeding scratches on her face. Chihiro usually bandaged her wounds before bed, she was too tired tonight. She fell face first onto the bed and drifted to sleep.

Haku…Haku…! Chihiro stretched her arms out in front of her, chasing the boy with long brown hair, but he wasn't getting any closer. Haku!

Tap! Tap! What was that? Tap! Tap! There it was again.

What is that noise? thought Chihiro. She was awoken from her slumber by a gentle tap on her bedroom window. Getting up from her bed, she crossed the room and opened the window. In flew a paper flyer Chihiro recognized.

The paper flyer that chased Haku!

Opening the folds of the paper, Chihiro saw that there was writing on it. She walked over to her lamp and clicked it on. Holding the paper to the light, Chihiro read the words.

My dearest Chihiro,

I am so sorry that it has taken this long to reach you. Yubaba was furious that she lost you; she revealed to me that you were one of the best workers she has ever had. Yubaba has fallen ill and no longer wishes to run the bathhouse. She has asked me to take over for her. I have accepted her offer on one condition: she must allow you to return and live here with me. If you will come with me, then meet me by the tunnel in fifteen minutes.

I love you,


Haku had finally come for her! Chihiro hugged the letter to her chest before pulling it away quickly and gasping in pain; the place where her father had hit her was bruised. She quickly set about gathering some clothes and underclothes. When she had gathered all the belongings she wanted (she didn't have much; her parents had sold most of it to pay for food), she set out for the tunnel, accompanied by the paper flyer, which had folded itself again.

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