Chapter 1

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Hoshi's POV

For as long as I could remember I haven't felt any emotion. No happiness,fear,remorse nor sadness. My parents were always abuse towards me and my siblings. My siblings were always so afraid of them but I wasn't, thats probably why they beat me the most. "Hoshi, could you come here please?" They'd call. Once I got up the stairs they would ask "Are you afraid?" I would always respond,"No." "Thats too bad," my mom would say, "If you were afraid I would have gone easier on you." Then thought would beat me until I turned black and blue.

I was never angry with them but one day I heard a voice in my head. "Kill them.Kill them." It spoke, so I grabbed the biggest kitchen knife, sharped it ,and walked up the stairs.

They were sleeping, I almost felt sorry for what I was about to do.....almost. I was going to made it look like suicide, I pulled my arm back and stabbed them 20 times each, thats how many bruises they gave me over the years. Oh the look on their faces, it was so funny I couldn't contain my laughter and their screams were music to my ears.

My younger brother, Aito, had woken up, "Big sister, what's happening?

My smile quickly faded away, he was only 7 I couldn't let him see what I'd done. So, I quickly wiped my finger prints from the knife and laid it on my parents' nightstand. I turned to Aito who'd seemed to tired to noticed what was really happening.

"Listen Aito," I said, "Go get the others, we're free."

He smiled and started crying "Are you serious Hoshi? What about mom and dad?"
"They said we were free to go to anyplace we felt would be proper home." I wiped his tears and he rushed to go get our other siblings.

While he was doing that I grabbed a napkin and put the knife in my father's hand.I needed the others as a cover-up, if I had killed them and walked out the cops would be all over me. I told my younger siblings to wait outside while I went to go get something. I called 911 and tried to sound as scared as possible, "Hello, m-my p-p-parents killed th-themselves!" Those idiotic cops actually fell for it.

I walked back outside, "Okay let's go guys." My little sister,Moshi, pulled on my pant leg, "But where will we go big sister." I looked down at here,she looked so afraid, it was almost funny ,"Somewhere where people will take care of you guys."

We walked to a nearby orphanage, on the way there I couldn't help but think about what just happened. Why was I so happy when i killed them? I want that feeling again; I want to be happy. I now know the only way to get that feeling is to murder other beings. Desire.

Before I knocked on the door I knelt down in front of Aito and Moshi. "I'm not going with you." I saw the shock in their faces as they began to cry. Moshi hugged my leg," Where will you go? It doesn't matter to me I'll go with you." Aito wrapped his body around my other leg, "I'll go with you too. I love you too much to let you go." I looked down at their faces.

Love, I've never had that emotion before and never understood why others would use but I needed them to trust me. I took their bodies off my legs. Even though I'd be faking it I gave them a hug and said, "If you truly love be then you'll let me go," They calmed down after that.

They gave me one final goodbye and I ran out of sight.

I didn't know where to go but I walked down the street for about half a mile until I came across a gas station. I'd already taken $100 from my parents,their credit cards and their cellphones. I bought a bottle of water and a cheap sandwhich. I set my things on the counter and the cashier paused before scanning the items.

"Now what is a young girl doing all by herself?" He said running his hands through his scarlet hair.
"It doesn't matter and you shouldn't care." I responded, shocked by my anwser the cashier didn't say anything else afterword. I started toward the door and a large man in a flannel shirt blocked my path.

"Aww why leaving so soon?' He said, his voice was scratchy,"I don't know why you stopped me and I don't care so move." I demanded, he caressed my face with his hand, "Oh C 'mon don't be like that, where do you have to go anyway. Why don't you come with me?" I didn't say anything, he grabbed my shoulders,"Anwser me when I'm talking to you!" I heard the voice again. "Kill him. Kill him." I looked up at him, "I wonder how your face looks when you're dying." "W - What did you say to me girl!" I pulled out a knife I ran in throw his stomach, he screamed in agony and collapsed on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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