First Day/ First Date

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Jill's POV

I am Jilliana Ameline De Guzman. Twenty-one years old. I graduated two years ago but took a little soul searching before I decided to work. 

Today is my first day of work. I will be working as Finance Analyst for  JS Manufacturing Company and I want to be taken seriously. It is my experience that people always associate a beautiful face with an empty head. Although I have proven time and time again that I have so much more to offer than my face, the struggle is there.

  "Stop fiddling, Jill", I have been telling myself the same thing for a hundred times already since I entered the building. Yes I am nervous. This is a game-changer for me. It is my way to prove that I can be independent instead of always relying on my parents for support. It comes with a lot of bargaining and pleading just so they will allow me to work. Of course I could always work in our company but I wanted something for myself. Not influenced by my parents but something I made by my own hard work.

I made my way to the Finance Department. I have been here a few times already since the interviews and orientation. The room was already buzzing with activity when I entered. Mark, our senior analyst together with 6 other staffs were already here.

"Good morning!" I greeted them. And here I thought I was an early bird. Huh! 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and just looked at me. I know I am a head turner and even after a few times of seeing me, some people can't still get over the shock. I even tried to downplay my clothes today. Nothing too flashy but instead a conservative one. A red A-line skirt ending an inch below my knees and a white long-sleeve blouse with peter pan collar.

Maybe it was still to much? I asked myself.

"Good morning, Jilliana. The table on the right will be yours. I am sorry we cannot properly have something to welcome you to the family. The CFO from Head Office will be here today. Has Joy texted you about it?" Mark asked me. Joy was the HR staff in-charge of dissemination of infos.

"No, but it won't be a problem. Can I help you guys with anything?" I asked them.

"Can you have these files photocopied. Five copies each. Copier will be the last room on the left. It will have Document Control Room hanging on the door. Just next to the pantry." Mark said while holding out some files to me.

"Sure" I said. Truth is I was kinda reluctant to do it. I haven't been near a photocopier in my whole life much less use one. But of course, me being me I still accepted. I can always learn, right? 

I went on my way humming and excited to do something. Though it was just photocopying documents.

I went directly to the photocopier and tried to understand the complexities of this giant machine in front of me. I was looking for a guide to help me start when the door opened and I was meet with the yummiest surprise I can  possibly hope for.

There standing on the open door was the one thing I have been praying for.

Jake, my one and only love,  holding a cup of of coffee on his right hand.


What do you think? I was thinking of the feeling when I first had a crush. Giddy. It was really like my heart was going to pop out. Thank God it did not otherwise I wouldn't be able to write this one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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