The Morning After

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First Story! 

It's Buckin. Set AU-ish universe. 

Hope you like and comment!


Chris stretched, rolled over and opened his eyes. Although the curtains were shut, he could still tell it was morning by the stubborn sunlight that peaked through the window.  His mind felt clouded with sleep. Then suddenly, like a wild ocean wave, the memories from last night hit him all at once.  Still feeling a bit incredulous he turned around in his bed, half expecting it to be empty apart from him. However, the presence of his dear friend sleeping peacefully next to him confirmed that all those images in his head had actually been memories and not part of an amazing dream. His chest swelled with emotion and a smile crept upon his face.  Jonny looked so very beautiful and serene, Chris almost wished he would have woken up earlier to contemplate him for longer.  He held his breath as the guitarist shifted in his sleep, the white sheet that covered him falling to his side, partially revealing his unclad body. Chris blushed as the most heated scenes from last night replayed in his mind.  They had not planned for it to happen, but neither of them could claim they had not been expecting it or hoping for it.  Chris certainly had. For the longest time he had imagined what it would feel like to be able to finally hold Jonny close to him, kiss him, tell him how much he loved him, and show him how much he did.  Fortunately, reality had surpassed every ideal scenario he had been able to come up with and last night could only been described as truly magical.  At least by him. He gazed upon his friend once more, his friend, could he still call Jonny just his friend?  Doubt, uncertainty slowly built inside him, creating a dull ache in his chest.  What would happen after today? Would Jonny feel embarrassed or uncomfortable with him now?  Would Jonny regret it?  Chris knew he, himself absolutely didn’t. He knew things would be different and maybe even a bit awkward for the band when they found out, but they had been friends for so long and loved each other so much he wasn’t afraid of their reaction. Besides, he wasn’t a naïve young man anymore and he knew he would be able to face whatever challenge he had to. If Jonny was with him, that is. The logical part of him told him that of course he would be, that last night, before succumbing to slumber, Jonny had been the happiest he had seen him in months. However, the other part of him made him feel insecure and afraid.  He sighed and, concentrating on Jonny’s chest as it steadily moved with every breath he took, he willed himself to relax.  It was incredible how calm Jonny could make him feel just by being there by his side. He yearned to touch him, to caress his bearded cheek, to rest his hand on his lovely tummy, but he restrained for fear of waking him up.   Still asleep, Jonny shifted again on his stomach and hugged his pillow with a contented sigh, making Chris’s heart burst with love at how endearing he looked.  An interesting contrast to the incredibly passionate side he had witnessed last night, Chris noted with a chuckle.  He turned his head and took a glance at the clock on the wall opposite the bed.  8:37 am it read, they still had a couple of hours before they had to get up and start getting ready for the meeting at noon. The thought made his apprehension grow again. What would the rest of the guys think? How would they react? But most importantly, how would Jonny react?

Turning his head again, he was met by a pair of lovely green eyes staring up at him.

Chris instinctively held his breath, for those brief seconds uncertainty was everything.

“Hey you,” the guitarist said smiling brightly at the astounded singer next to him. Chris’s doubts and fears instantly vanished at the sight of his gorgeous smile.

“Hey Jay,” he beamed. “Morning!” he greeted him and leaned in for a quick peck, which was, to his utter relief, instantly reciprocated “Did you sleep well?” Chris asked.

“Like a log.  Did you sleep at all? “

“Surprisingly yes. I did manage a few hours. Maybe it was because of the extra exercise session last night?” he added with a wink.

“Maybe,” he replied with a quiet laugh, blushing at the mention of their activities. He stretched and yawned “We have that meeting today, right?” he asked.

“Yes, at noon.”

Jonny laughed “I guess some of them must be wondering where we disappeared to last night. They probably have an idea, though.”

“You think so? Is…is that alright with you?” Chris said suddenly turning a bit serious.

“Yeah, I don’t think it is a surprise after all this time. Why would it bother me, you pillock?”  He said, playfully jabbing Chris’ stomach with his finger.

“I don’t know, I’m a bit nervous I guess. I’ve never been with a world famous, rock star guitarist, you know,” he joked.

“Shut up,” the green eyed man replied with a laugh.

“You’re probably right though. I think we’ve been kinda obvious, especially recently, especially me,” he admitted.

“You were always more …” he said with a pensive look while he searched for the correct word…..”effusive.”

“What?” he almost shrieked “Is that bad?” Chris asked, marveling at how natural this new intimacy in their relationship felt.

“Not at all, I can’t imagine you not being  well……effusive,” he said  pronouncing the last word in such a way that had them both laughing for a minute.

 “Don’t tell me we really have to get up now” Jonny groaned with a scowl.

“Nope, we still have a couple of hours left” Chris said curiously looking at his odd expression.

“Great” he declared putting his arms around Chris and burying his face on his neck “I still have lots of things I want to do with this certain singer I know.”

“Oh, Is that so?” Chris uttered with amusement, running a hand up and down his lover’s back.

Jonny softly kissed the other man’s skin before replying “Yeah”. Kissing turned to nipping and just when Chris was about to pull Jonny fully on top of him, the guitarist swiftly pulled away “But first!” he said pointing with his finger, “bathroom break!” he exclaimed sprinting for the nearby door, leaving an amused Chris smiling after him.

“Don’t go anywhere! Stay where you are!”  He shouted before closing the door behind him.

“Yes, sir!”

Chris laughed to himself, everything would be fine. Not just fine, brilliant!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2013 ⏰

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