Chapter Fifty Nine

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It turned out 'the sly bastard' had a lot of those. Nathan spotted a few more motion sensors in the distance, their range clearly overlapping each other.

One thing was clear, there was no way in. If he dared to go any closer to the building, alarms were sure to go off. He turned around and was about to make his way out of there when he spotted a Rover approaching in the distance. He made his calculations and decided he should wait it out. There was no way he could get to the nearest building for cover before the Rover arrived. He found a small space in the wall of the pyramid and slid inside.

He thought about so many things while in that small enclosure. A quick scan showed there was no way out, except the entrance he had used to get in. If that entrance was compromised, he would be a dead man. For the first time in his life, he said a silent prayer to a 'God' he wasn't sure existed. The impulsiveness of his decision to come here became overwhelmingly glaring.

"I should have gotten some more info on the building before coming in."

He imagined what Borgina would say when she found out. It had to be something along the lines of 'Human men are impossible to understand.' The thought made him smile. His face reverted to an expressionless look when he heard voices a short distance from the crack that offered him protection. He tried to keep his movements to a minimum. His breathing was as silent as nothingness, regardless of the wild pounding of his heart within his chest.

"Calm down, Nathan. You've been in worse situations before."

"Yeah, but that was on Earth and I had the option of requesting the retrieval protocol. There's no backup on MoonEx."

"How will I live with myself in the afterlife? Getting sprayed with bullets in a crack within a pyramid has to be on the list of 'worst ways to die'."

"You know there's no afterlife. This is just your fear speaking."

Nathan's mental conversation ended abruptly with the blaring of an alarm from the pyramid's exterior. 

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