Meeting Eachother

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Twilight was walking around Canterlot just reading her book as usual until she ran into somepony, she had a yellow mane and an orange coat and her cutie mark has there apples "Excuse me." the pony said but then quickly walked off. Twilight just picked up her book and looked at the pony hoping she could have said excuse me, but she just kept reading and walking. Twilight was reading a book on 'Magical Organization' then she ran into another pony, this pony had a pink mane and pink coat what with a yellow and two blue baloons as her cutie mark, she knew her, it was Pinkie Pie. "Pinkie, what are you doing in Canterlot?" Twilight asked. "I'm here to see you, and I brought Fluttershy too, were just gonna visit for maybe a few days or weeks!" Fluttershy was one of my other friends, she had a yellow coat and a light pink mane and her cutie mark was three pink butterflies, Pinkie said right as Fluttershy started walking up carrying their bags, but it looked like Fluttershy was having trouble holding them. "Here, I'll take them" Twilight using her magic to pick up the bags. "You both Can stay with me, maybe next month I'll visit you, but not in surprise." Twilight said as they all started walking to her tower.

Once they got to the tower Pinkie and Flutters went strait to their own guest room (seperet rooms). As Twilight just sat down ready to read her books she heard something break "Huh?" , she looked around only to see glass on the floor "A broken window", then to see a rainbow maned Pegasus with a cyan coat with her cutie mark being a three colored lightning bolt coming from a white cloud. "What is the name of Celestia happened?" Twilight walked over to the window and opened it "I surly hope you have a brief explination for breaking my window, and enough bi.." She stoped talking after she saw blood on the floor. "PINKIE!" "Yes?" "GET AN AMBULANCE, NOW! Fluttershy, I need you to watch this Pegasus." "Ok" Fluttershy and Pinkie said at the same time. They both ran away to do their parts while Twilight looks door a healing spell until Spike brought her one. "Got a doctor Twi." Pinkie said running in with a doctor pony that immeditially ran to the cyan Pegasus "We will get her to a hospital right away."

Time skip to the hospital

Twilight, Pinkie and Flutters were sitting in the waiting room listening to what happened from Twilights point of view of the accident, "The she just went through the window!" Twilight said putting her hooves in the air. "That sounds pretty bad." Pinkie said, "I hope she's ok, but I wonder why she went through the window?" "Me too Flutters. I just hope she isn't severely hurt." Twilight said agreeing with what Fluttershy just as the doctor walked out of the cyan ponies room and All three do them stood up. "Is she ok? Is anything broken?" Twilight said really worried "Ms.Dash is just fine, she is awake if you want to see her." the doctor said as all three ponies went into the room to see the pony just staring at a wall.

"Hello?" Twilight said carefully walking up to the pony that she now realized she was a pegasus "Who's there?" she turned to face the three ponies "Are you ok?" asked Fluttershy walking up to the hospital bed along with Pinkie ever so calmly. "Who are you ponies?" the Pegasus said sitting up a bit. Twilight stepped up to the hospital bed along with Pinkie and Fluttershy "You busted through my window, but, why?" Twilight asked with a bit of anger in her voice. The Pegasus sighed "My name is Rainbow Dash, I was clearing the clouds like any other day..."

"Hey Storm! Can you move that cloud west, they need it!" "Sure thing Dash!" Storm stared moving the cloud as Rainbow was heading down to a cloud to buck it away just as she got hit, it felt like something somepony threw but it turned out to be a half blind Pegasus she knew named Snowdrop. Snowdrop hit Dash so hard that she knocked her out. Dash was falling out of the sky at an angel cause of the wind, ponies tried to catch her and chatch up to her but she was just falling to fast. She got one cloud oh her way down which slowed her down a bit but she was still falling. She woke up slight only to hit a window and be knocked out again, then she whispered "Why?". That's when she was noticed by Twilight.


After the cyan Pegasus explained what happened an Orange pony with a blond mane walked in, her cutie mark was three apples, like the one I saw earlier. She had a brown hat on and a pony with a white coat and a purple curly mane with three blue diamonds as her cutie mark walked in "Rainbow! Are you...wait, who in the hay are these ponies and why are they here?" the Orange pony said in a strong country accent. "These are the ponies that own the tower, or house, that I crashed in." "My name is Twilight Sparkle, that's Pinkie Pie, and that's Fluttershy." Twilight said pointing to Pinkie and Flutters. "I'm AppleJack, this is Rarity, and that is Rainbow Dash." the Orange pony said pointing to, apparently, her two friends. "Maybe we should all hang out more, and I'll pay for your window Twilight." Rainbow said as AppleJack and Rarity walked up to the hospital bed.

"That's quite all right, I just have to tell the Princess and she will take care of it." Twilight said as AppleJack, Rarity, and Rainbow all looked shocked. "No offense darling but, I don't think a princess will just put things aside to help you." Rarity said in a really fancy accent, "Yes she will. I am her personal protege, that's why I live in her castle." Twilight said proud. "Excuse me" the nurse came walking in, "Twilight Sparkle, the Princess needs you and everypony else needs to leave please, visiting hours are over, but you can come back tomarrow." she said in a very smooth and calm voice, after everypony left, Rainbow caught Twilight at the door. "Let's get smoothies tomarrow. Let both of our friends get to know eachother." Rainbow said as she layed back "That's sounds like a lovely idea, see you tomarrow!" Twilight said walking out of the room to see princess Celestia, "Time for your next lesson." she said "Yes Princess.", and they walked off.

The chapters might always be short like this I don't know, but I will write more soon, I like to have a balanced story too, hope you like it so far!

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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