1D preferences and imagines

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How you meet

Louis: You meet him at a Starbucks you just so happened to both order the same thing and both went for it and touched hands "hehe sorry you take it" you said "No you take it i wouldnt feel right taking coffe from a beautiful lady" that made you blush and he instantly thought it was adorable "hey do you wanna uhmm go o-o-out on a-a-a d-date w-with me sometime?" he stuttered out and you thought it was the cutest thing ever "sure i would love to, Im (y/n) by the way" "louis, Louis Tomlinson" you two exchange numbers and talk on the phone for hours and that was the start of a beautiful relationship.

Zayn: you met him while walking aroung your home town. you were on your way to meet a friend for breakfast and since the place wasnt that far you decided to just walk there. You werent that far from there when you bump into someone and you both fall "ow sorry are you okay?" you ask the stranger. "Shit... yeah im fine are yo- wow you are very pretty...Oh gosh did i just say that out loud wow im such a weirdo gahhhd " "haha yes you did say that out loud but i dont mind cause youre pretty too " well my namy is Zayn whats your name?" "(Y/N) nice to meet you zayn" "i know this all so sudden but would you want to get something to eat with me?" you completly forgetting about your friend agreed and from then one you two dated

Niall: you met him while on a food run for a girls night with your two best girlfriends you girls would always go out and buy a lot of junk food for girls night as you taking all the snacks and drinks to the check out line you hear a laugh behind you so you turn around and see a blonde boy with beautiful blue eyes and a red face obviously noticing thatyou hear him. "Do you have a problem?" "uh uhm i uh not i-i-its just i-i-i-i have n-never seen three girls buy so m-much food... I-Im sorry i didnt mean to laugh" "bhahahaha oh god i didnt mean to sound mean sorry but trust this isnt going to be enough im sure we are going to have to come back to the store at some point tonight haha" "oh and why is that?" "well we are having a girls night and we always end up getting less than what we need and come back for more food its kinda turned in to a thing so when we walk in they kinda already know that they will see us again" "oh my you too wow you are like so perfect for me I eat like a crazy mofo (a/n se what I did there no oh okay continue) and with in like a week of where ever I am the workers know me by my name it's kind of sad. But I get used to it... well I was wondering if you would like to go out some time I mean if you want to but obviously not tonight because you're having a girls night and I wouldn't want to.... I'm rambling aren't I?" "haha just a little but I would love to go out with you any time...uh sorry what is your name?" "Niall, Niall Horan" "well I'm (y/n)" "well ill see you around (y/n)" you guys instantly fell in love after that day.

Liam: you met Liam at a meet and greet. You honestly couldn't stand One Direction but your mom made you take your little sister and you couldn't let your sister down son while waiting in line you were getting Really annoyed because you can hear thousands of girls screaming all because of this stupid band and your little sister wouldn't stop talking. once it was your sister and your turn you couldn't be any happier to almost be out of there one by one you went starting with Louis, Harry, Niall, Zayn and now Liam you couldn't help but be in such awe with him you thought he was so handsome "hello love whats your name?" he asked you "well I'm (y/n) but this is for my sister not me I'm kinda can't wait to get out of here sorry." " Wow that's the first and you can actually talk to me with out fainting I think I love you" you blushed at that. your little sister giggled at that and you looked down at her "whats wrong? why are you giggling for?" " because I can tell that you guys like each other!" "I... I... no we ... what are you ... he doesn't... I mean what? no not possible" " i mean she is pretty but I don't think she likes me sweetheart" Liam tells your sister. "well it's not that I would go out in a date with you it's just all the people I know will give me shi... I mean bug me about it I would though I really would." now its loans turn to blush. "well why don't you give me a call sometime when you know for sure that your okay with going in a date with me". "I uhm okay haha" you chuckled nervously. later that day you called him and set a date and you will never regret that

Harry: the two of you met at your friends birthday party her being the party time girl had a party at your favorite club (any club name) you were at the bar drinking you were a little tipsy by the time you decided to head to the dance floor you were fine dancing with your friend When you feel someone grinding against you you turn around to see a really drunk guy you have to admit he's cute but you were getting a weird vibe from him and you tried to back away when he pulled your arm " GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU PRICK" "no your going with me whether you like it or not do you understand me?" "NO I WILL NOT!!!" "HEY GET OFF OF MY GIRLFRIEND YOU ARSE" you hear someone say out if no where "SHIT I'm sorry I didn't know she had a boyfriend dude sorry" with that the drunk guy left you turned around to meet incredibly green eyes and curly hair "t-thank y-y-you uhm what's your name?" "Harry" "well thank you Harry I'm (y/n)" "Hey it's no problem I can't stand it when drunk guys think they can do whatever they want, uhm d-do you w-w-want to dance?" "Yeah sure I guess so" you and Harry started grinding on each other and after the cloud be drive you home as you were drunk and he wasn't "well this was fun but ill see you some other time (y/n) okay?" "No Harry please stay with me!!" you gave him puppy dog eyes and he couldn't say no to you " okay I'll stay but I sleep in my boxers only and sometimes nothing at all just warning" "yay I have a cuddle buddy" he laughed at that and when you woke up you knew that you wanted to always wake up with Harry right next to you


Okay this is my first try so please don't judge and sorry for any spelling and grammar errors thanks


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