Betrayal (01 - The Bloody Mansion)

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Prologue: Death

I remember dying, I remember the acute relief of the pain slipping away, tugging at my fingertips until there was nothingness. And I was grateful that I'd never have to remember again. The horror of this world was far too much for eyes that had barely seen seventeen years, and yet evens so those eyes understood the simplicity of the destruction it saw and knew that they were wrong and had to be stopped.

I knew what had to be done but the pain was far too grave to bear, and just as remembered my sole purpose and duty, I forgot it and for the moment nothing was more important than stopping the pain. I wanted to embrace death and drown in its darkness. I wanted to erase the images of the broken bodies that lay before me; of the people I knew and loved. I remember dying, but I remember waking too.

Chapter one: The Bloody Mansion

"All you got to do is go inside 'The Bloody Mansion', and bring us a lil' souvenir and everything goes back to normal. You get your little journal back and no one finds out about your little crush on a certain drama teacher. Got it?" I explained our deal for what must have been the hundredth time but he still had that horrible glare on his face and I knew I was not going hear the end of this when I got home. So I waved his precious journal at him to remind him why he had to go into that creepy old house.

"You're the ringmaster so why don't you just give it back!" he hissed through clenched teeth.

I groaned angrily, "I told you I can't Worm! It's not that easy!"

"Oh yeah?" he raised an angry eyebrow.

"It's one week to graduation, I'm so not loosing my title and becoming a complete loser four days before I graduate. I'm not suicidal you know. If I hand this over they'll eat me alive," I shivered at the thought. "They've been looking for some way to humiliate me all year and I shudder at what they could do in three days." But he just kept glaring at me making me feel guiltier than I already was. "I'm really sorry Worm, I tried," I apologized even though I knew he wouldn't listen.

I tried, I really did try to convince Bridget to just give his journal back but she wouldn't hear me out. Eventually I negotiated and that's why we were all standing here waiting for Worm to go inside The Bloody Mansion and bring as something back. And then he'd get his journal back. It was as simple as that, no harm done. But for some reason Worm wouldn't budge.

I wasn't a mean person, I just enjoyed having fun. We never harmed anyone or forced anyone to do things they didn't want to. But Bridget is becoming more of a bitch every day and in order to keep her under control I had to stay on her good side, she would cause too much damage if she was in control. And because I was sort of the 'ringmaster' as Worm had pointed out, most of the shit Bridget caused was blamed on me. But really, I was not the bitch. I swear.

Worm shook his head and jog toward the mansion, from where I was standing all I could see was the silhouette of his thin lanky frame and his wild mane of hair blowing wildly in the wind. He stopped by the door and pulled it open easily. He glanced directly at me before entering. Just as he entered a big muscular figure jumped from the shadows and pushed the door shut and jammed it into place with a crowbar.

"Shit!" I cussed out loud and ran towards the figure; I could hear Worm banging on the door from the inside. Before I could reach the door Bridget attacked me to the ground, grabbed the journal and ran.

Whoever stuck the crowbar into the door was now running towards me as I scrambled to my feet. He picked me up with strong arms and threw me over his shoulders as if I were nothing but a little kid. I knew those arms, they were Craig's and I also knew that no matter what I did he would not put me down until we were very far from the mansion. I kicked and squirmed and shouted for him to put me down but all it did was make his grip tighter.

When we got to his truck he threw me on the back seat and jumped in besides me. Bridget was already in the front seat and was pulling away as soon as the door was shut. I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Damn child lock!

I turned to Bridget and demanded her to stop the car.

She smiled at me evilly. "No ways," she shook her head. She had obviously planned this. The bitch! She even got my boyfriend in on it.

"I'm going to kill you!" I screamed at her and tried to leap at her but Craig still held me tightly.

"Why do you even care?" he asked confused at my tantrum.

"He's my god damn brother you idiot!" I shouted rather harshly.

"Stepbrother," he corrected me. "We're just trying to have some fun sweetie," he stroked my hair trying to calm me down.

"Since when do we lock people up in haunted mansions then? Cause I seemed to have miss out on that development!" I hissed.

"Come on, he can handle himself Trix," he muttered into my hair. "And besides, that crowbar won't last forever," he chuckled.

"Let go of me Craig!" I said coldly and glared at him with new found hatred. He let go of me quickly surprised by how piercing my words were. He'd never seen me so pissed at him before but he knew that if I really wanted to I could cause damage.

"Give me the journal back Bridget!"

"Nope," she popped.

This time I was too fast for Craig, I jumped onto the passenger seat next to Bridget and grabbed the journal. She turned to me and grabbed my hair. "Aaargh! Let go bitch!" I screamed. At the same time I heard Craig shout in a panicked voice "Bridget, the wheel!"

All I saw was a bright light and felt a piercing pain in my right side. And then there was darkness.

[Please comment, I want to know whether it's worth continuing or whether it just plainly sucks. If it sucks tell me. I'm big girl, I can handle it. And if you like it vote and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading, *Abz]

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