Chapter 1

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©CRGangell aka Whitesabretooth

No changes have been made to this; it is currently in its original form. If you think you can come up with a better cover or blurb feel free to contact me and I'll use it.

Edited by: PSbabygirl

Chapter 1

Grey-hawk walked into the Were relations building and signed in at the front desk.

The clerk rang through the appointment. The clerk nodded and turned to Grey-hawk. “Floor…”

“I know the way.” Grey-hawk told him as he walked away.

He got into the lift and went up. He ran his hands impatiently through his brown hair as he watched the numbers tick over. He had been surprised that Amy had gone back to work so soon after the names of the cubs had become public, but he had jumped at the lunch invitation with Amy and Wolfgang. He had decided not to dress in a full suit today, he was having lunch with friends; he wore a pair of navy pants and a black cashmere sweater.

As the doors slid open on his floor, he attemped to slide pass the other bodies without bumping people, noting the looks of sexual appreciation from almost all of the women and even a few of the men in the lift. He turned left and walked through another set of doors. Amy’s secretary glanced up and smiled.

If Grey-hawk hadn’t been totally besotted with Cass he may had tried to get close to Shannon.

“Hello Grey-hawk, it’s been a while.” Shannon commented; her voice was tinted with a very slight northern Irish accent. Her red hair fell past her shoulders in a tumble of waves and curls. Her skin was fair, with a gentle sprinkling of freckles across her nose. Her green eyes were a shade off being deep emerald green that one could loose themselves in. Her curves were luscious, leading to the promise of being firm but incredibly soft, and her lips were every man’s wet dream.

“Yes, Shannon it has. What with an attempt on my authority and Amy having the cubs.” Grey-hawk told her. He honestly liked all of the people Amy had surrounded herself with. Shannon was human but rumour has it she wouldn’t be for much longer if Roberto finally got his way with her.

“Did you get that problem under control?” Shannon asked politely.

Grey-hawk nodded. “Yes… mind you the moment they knew their assassination plan had surfaced and Wolfgang was going to come to aid me to put a stop to it, they gave up and killed themselves for their foiled attempt but as that is our way, they were burned to be reborn.” Grey-hawk informed her.

He had been truly hurt when Amy warned him of the plot against his life. He had tried to model his pack into a trusting one, similar to the one Wolfgang has. In the end though, his hurt had gone deeper. It was his closest friend who had planned his death. He didn’t think he would ever recover from that kind of betrayal, Scott had been the closest thing to a brother for him. They had been raised together much like Gillian and Wolfgang had, how had it gone so wrong? He had been beating himself up over this ever since he had Scott killed for his part in the coup.

He blinked and sighed. “Are they in there?” He asked.

Shannon nodded and immediately groaned as Roberto walked in. “I thought I told you to never come near me,” she told Roberto, a flash of her fiery temperament coming to the surface.

Roberto went to speak.

“Don’t you dare lie to me,” Shannon told him. “You have no business here other than to give me grief.” She continued her outburst.

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