Chapter 1

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Edward POV:

Just when the world was with us and we had a happy day , that bastard , Roy called me and Alphonse in his office to annoy me.

"You need a girlfriend, Fullmetal !" Roy said smirking from his desk.

"And why would I need one?" I asked with a bored tone.

"Because you need someone to make you drink your milk ,so you would be taller." Breda said joking from behind me .

"Don't call me a fucking midget!" I freaked out.

"Guys, what do you say about going to Devil's Nest?" Havoc questioned from his chair.

"Hm?" We asked confused in unison.

"Oh,come on,you don't know what's Devil's Nest?" We shook our heads 'no' . " It's the best bar-disco in the world.And there ,there is Mystica. The best dancer and my future girlfriend." He said with hearts in his eyes . Suddenly his mood changed and a dark aura came around him."And Roy? 3 words for you: Don't.Steal.Her!" Havoc said raising his voice with each word.

"I don't promise anything!" Mustang said spinning in his chair. We sweatdropped."Then we're going there tonight!" Roy stated. Havoc starts jumping happy.

"Pass!" I said as I stood up and headed to the door .

"No! You have to come!" Havoc said. "You really have to see Mystica! Her moves,her beauty...." He starts dreaming about her again.

"Al, you don't say anything?" I asked my brother.

"I..I think we should go." He stated.

"Oh, you too.Fine ,Lover-boy!" I said to Havoc."I'll come . Just because you made me curious ,not because you said. " And with the last words I headed out the door ,followed by Alphonse's armour.


Hi! 😜 Sweetymlc1 is here with a new story! First impressions? 😂😂😂😊

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