Chapter 2: Helping fixing the Stan o' war

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~your pov~

It's still a sunny day and Stanley wanted to show me something, so I'm following him and Stanford , I wonder what is it?, then Stanley stop.

"ok let me show you what me and my brother had been working on" he said,then I saw the broken boat they both been on before those three kids came.

"WOW! a boat!,where did you guys get it!?" I said , I bet it has ghosts.

"well we found it in a cave,we can use extra hands, do you want to help?"said Stanley.

"sure! by the way what are you guys gonna do with it after it's done?"I said.

"we're going to use it to sail the sea and leave new jersey to go an amazing adventures!" Said Stanley.

"wow that's cool, so ya got a name for this boat?"I said because the boat needs a name right?

"me and ford are gonna called it the 'stan o' war'" said Stanley.the Stan o' war that's a nice name for a boat.

"anyway enough talking lets get to work!" Said Stanford. i just nod my head.

"Yeah! This is going to be fun! " I said exactly as I grab some tools and begin working on the boat.

As Stanley just nod as well and now we're all trying to fix the boat Stanley had been working on the left side of the boat, Stanford had been working on the right side of the boat and I had been working on the middle,I am fixing the floor, since most of the floor almost broken.

The sun was going down,it's sunset alright and I need get home before my  mom freaks out.

"hey guys it's sunset I gotta get home now before my mom freaks out" I said.

"oh alright besides we were planning go home anyway"said Stanford

"well see ya guys later"I said while I grab my sketch book,I was about to walk away.

"We should do this more often! You guys are cool to hang out with!" I said as I wave goodbye one last time.

"bye (y/n)! And welcome to New jersey" said the twins at the same time,I waved at them and was going home

~time skip~

I finally made it home my mom came up and she gave me a smile.

"hi sweetie how was the beach did you made some friends?" Said my mom oh man I'm so excited to tell her about everything that happened today.

"I did made friends today! their names are Stanley and Stanford pines and their twins,I had so much fun!" I said with a big smile on my face, my mom gave me a smile.

"that's great sweetie now it's time for bed and maybe tomorrow you can go back at the beach" said my mom,I just nod and got ready for bed.

maybe in a few years things can get even more better with me,Stanley and Stanford and well be friends forever.

~ford pov~

I finished brushing my teeth and now I'm  going to bed but there's something still on my mind and that's  (y/n) somehow I can't get her out of my mind I just looked down and see Stanley sleeping.

I don't want to wake him, but this feeling about her , I just can't stop ,maybe its nothing, maybe its just because we made a new friend

(hey guys just to let you know the next chapter is going to when Stanford,Stanley and you are all grown up)


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