chapter 1

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So this is no way real
my name is not Ava, I don't have a follow from Grayson on Instagram and I have not been noticed numerous times on vine.
And my @ is not savage dolans I just needed a username
I do have both follows on Twitter thooooo🌚
but the groupchat birch benders is real and so are the people in it. Follow them on vine! :)
Ava is 16 and so is Ethan

"AVA HURRY UP AND GET YOUR ASS DOWN STAIRS!", my lovely mother screams.

I got my bags getting ready to head downstairs when all of a sudden my phone starts buzzing non-stop. It's from a group chat.

I am a huge fan of the dolan twins! I make edits of them on vine and they both noticed me numerous times. I also post my edits on Instagram and Twitter. I have both follows from the twins on Twitter and Grayson Bailey Dolan follows me on Instagram!!!!! I've gained so much ever since but I never take it for granted. I am extremely grateful. With that I have gained some Internet friends. I'm in 5 iMessage Groupchats and they all are super active. I don't talk as much as the others in the groupchat but I still talk to some of them on snapchat or privately on iMessage. Snapchat has to be my favorite app out of all. I love making streaks and taking pictures of my ugly face and sending it to whoever. I've always heard that sometimes people send things to the twins and the twins end up opening them but I've never tried cause' it always pends.

And now Back to reality

I go downstairs trying to check my phone but I kinda can't cause' I need to hurry and put my bags in the car. I'm finally going on vacation to LA! I'm screaming hallelujah while angels are singing behind me. It feels good not to stress about school for a couple of days but I still have editing and all which is kind of a little more stressful than school... But I'm still going to be making edits and hoping the twins will see and I hope I will see the twins.

I head to the door got to the car and got in the passenger seat. Once I'm buckled in I check to see what one of these groupchats were talking about.

1st groupchat- birch benders

lauren ( boyfriend dolan ) : I really need a cabbage rn
Beth ( probably dolan ) : ME TOO
Chelsea ( void dolan ) : eat yougurt instead
Beth ( probably dolan ) : OMFJSNDJDJ IM FREAKING OUT
Beth ( probably dolan ) : THIS CANT BE REAL
Rozz ( Dolan CrazyR ) : WUT YOU CHiCKEN
Chelsea ( void dolan ) : ^
Beth ( probably dolan ) : IM SCRWMKNFNJDJSJ
Lauren ( boyfriend dolan ) : all these messages just came hi
Lauren ( boyfriend dolan ) : CONGRATS BUP!!!
Chelsea ( void dolan ) : CONGRATULATIONS
Jesse ( Déjà•dolan ) : Congrats Beth
Rozz ( Dolan CrazyR ) : congrats :)
Rowayda ( dolan babes ) : NDJSNSJSMSJ CONGRATS BETH
Beth ( probably dolan ) : THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH SJXMSKS

Then the groupchat is dead after all that so I just decide to say congrats too

me ( savage dolans ) : congrats beth!

No one replies. After about 5 minutes someone texted

Beth ( probably dolan ) : thanks so much Ava

I was really tired so I didn't bother to text in the groupchat. I fell right asleep. Then bam I hit my head back on the little cushion at the top of my seat.
"Well now I'm wide awake" I groaned very loudly.

I go on my phone and I see I have so many notifications, as always.
58 snapchats.290 Twitter notifs.1,963 vine notifs and lastly 70 DMs from Instagram.
I quicky go through every single notif on everything but snapchat.
When I Finished going through stuff I click on snapchat and I see many snaps saying I love you so much and your account. I said thank you to all of them except for about 5. Those 5 were from Chelsea, Rowayda, Emily(not in the gc), Lauren and someone I didn't even read the name. I opened Chelsea snap first, it was a picture and it said "when your one proud potato" then it ended and I snapped back saying "you're*" cuz she used the wrong one. I opened Rowaydas snap and it was a 7 second video of her screaming. I snapped back a pic of me sticking out my tongue. Then I click on Emily it's a 10 second pic of her sitting on the toilet. I snap back saying I'm on a car chair thingy. Lauren snapped me a 5 second pic of her saying she needs to get cabbages,lasagna and a llama. I snap back telling her I need dolan twins. Then the last person I needed to snap back was someone I never thought that would snap me in my whole entire life. "ethandolan" my heart was pounding! I finally had the courage to open the snap and it was a video.
"HEY AVA its Ethan immmmmm pretty sure you know that I just wanted to say i love you and have a good day" and the little caption said "💙💙💙". HOW DID HE GET MY SNAPCHAT. I realized he added me back!!!!! I snapped him covering the screen so it's black and put a caption saying "I love you so much😭"
it was a pic of him "show your face beautiful" and I completely froze...

sorry this first chapter completely sucks, it's my first time writing so if it's bad oh whale🐋

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