Part 1:
When I was here you ignored me.
So why should I stay?
At my worst times you kicked me like a pebble in the dirt
So why should I stay?
When I was down you didn't help me
So why should I care?
When I needed you most you weren't there
So why should I care?
All my tries desperate pleas went un noticed
So why should I fight?
I'm obviously not wanted here
So why should I fight?
I'm invisible here and you never seem to notice.
So why should I continue?
There's nothing worth fighting for.
So why should I continue?
You don't know what it's like to feel alone
Like there's nothing more for you to be or do
Like a little ant on the ground
Being treated like you're nothing
Maybe I should just fall and disappear completely.
Leave without so much as a second glance.
It's not like you would care if I were gone
So why should I?
Why Should I?
PoetrySuicide is nothing to joke about and I wrote this poem to show that the things you do and say to people can really affect them. If you're having thoughts about committing please seek help, and remember, you're beautiful, loved, and not alone :)