Behind closed doors

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Being enclosed and confined in an office cubicle isn't the best thing in the world, right? Endless and repetitive routines carry on for several hours and it becomes really boring. Maybe those short trips to the cafeteria, lavatories and the office kitchen-slash-pantries make a difference but they're only momentary anyway.

The office is pretty crazy though. It's an interesting place where unpredictable things happen (just like high school and college, you may say) and relationships and friendships unravel with the right time. Collegues turn to your best friends and your boss turns to those professors. Cliques appear here and there and you can't really tell if anyone's their age anymore.

Having a job position of "secretary" isn't the easiest one around. Add to being in one of the most famous and busiest companies, and you're sure to flail around in stress. It's a good thing I'm in one of those less-known departments, or else I would've quit this job long ago...

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a secretary. I'd rather be one of the receptionists... Like this one receptionist in my department. Well, I'm not saying that I want her job and replace her. I mean, she does her job well (from what I hear) and she're pretty cute. I'd rather be her partner! She has silky, wavy-ish light blonde hair and bright amethyst eyes. I think her name is Alena...

What a pretty name she has... I wonder if we've met before? She strikes as familiar to me but I honestly don't know.

[***At the office***]

I'm stuck typing about reports on a case that my supervisor gave me a few hours ago, which is pretty much another homicide-slash-failed murder attempt. My fingers swiftly tap against the keys and the wonderful backspace button and the ctrl + s were there to save me from making any stupid mistakes again. Everything seemed so quiet as I imagined how this crime would happen, and I was sucked in to the white screen where the words were appearing, until a voice got me.

"Nade? We have a few orders from the boss. Seems like she needs you to run a few errands for her. She even has this list for you-- here--" says a rather raspy yet feminine voice from beside me. I look up to see Celeste, an officemate of mine whom I was in good terms with, with a serious yet calm look on her face. There, sitting upon her palm was a list with elegant cursive writing on it. She hands it to me and I hesitantly accept it.

"...Seriously, Celeste? The boss almost never gives me direct orders..."

I read the list at least thrice and gulp at its contents.

{1. Bring reports I told you to clear up this morning to the Forensics Department, Criminal Affairs Department, Criminology Department and the Prosecutor in charge of the case

2. Fix certain case files (000 - 299) with Attorney Benigne

3. (optional) Stop being so serious and go befriend that receptionist, Alena, already! o 3 o }

The first, I was rather prepared for because I was almost done finishing up the reports. All I needed to do was copy them to my USB and make a decent number of hardcopies. The second, I was shocked at, since that was a number of case files I had to fix with Attorney Mace. Well, Attorney Mace is a nice person and she doesn't really strike as intimidating unless you screw up so I guess I can handle it. The third I just couldn't take it in. How the hell did boss know about my interest in the receptionist..?!

"Eh, Nade, what's wrong? You looked shocked... Well, anyway, good luck with your work! It'd take a while." Celeste says, smiling at me. She pats me on the back and walks back to her work space.

I simply stare at the list and put it in my breast pocket, finishing up these reports. I will do my best to make boss proud!


A few minutes later, I was finally done fixing the reports, and all I had to do was print them out. I place my USB in my breast pocket and wait until every single copy was done printing. Since it'll take a while, I fiddle with my pen and take a decent look at Alena. She seemed to be taking in an incoming call, and she looked really professional while doing so.

Ah~ I shouldn't be looking at her like this...

DING! went the printer. Okay, I have no idea why this printer has an alarm fixed to it, but it's really useful. Especially when I'm getting dragged into my own reveries again...

I fix the printed files, sort them out and carry them in my arms. I take a decent look at them and nod to myself. I still needed a bit of help carrying them, but I could endure it! Anyway, all this work could lead me to boss' third order...

I start walking across the hall, and I take a long look at the report and sigh at the lowliness of this suspect here.


{Suspect: Juana de Riviera

Charged with: frustrated murder leading to homicide; theft

Victim(s): Felicity Blanche, Misty Catherina Blanche

Possible Motive/s: Revenge / extreme jealousy towards the victims

Special conditions(if any): Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder }

That was the gist of the report and I sighed. I wonder how long it would take me to finish giving these reports out... Plus there's my helping with Attorney Mace... Oh what a long day this is gonna be...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2011 ⏰

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