Chapter one

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Tom boy! did they get your gender wrong! maybe your really a guy!

These are what i hear daily, i know they are just kidding around and i brush they're words off and laugh with them.

But in the end they were right, i found it out the hard way.

Here I'll tell you how my heart was broken in two.

And it all started on the day she came....

#four years into the past#

I make a remark to the teacher and the class laughs. one of the guys from the football team gives me a high five.

"Detention!" the teacher shouts and i shrug picking up my stuff and walking to the door, before i leave i make a funny dance behind the teachers back. The class giggles and i get out before the teacher turns around.

I run down the hall heading for detention. But as if it was a movie everything seems to slow down and roses fall from the sky and for a second i feel like im floating.

Want to know what is wrong with the picture?

The person who im going slowmotion for is a girl.

And that brings me to reality like a slap to the face.

Oh and i hit the open door of a locker.
"Okay just keep the ice on it it will stop the swelling." the nurse says. im in the office and the girl is standing next to me with a worried expression on her face.

Of course my face thinks its okay to go full on tomato mode. The nurse lets me leave but its already time to go home.

Im walking awkwardly next to the girl with my face still red.

"So whats your name?" the girl says and i jump.

"Alex." i want to say but it comes out like this:

"Mhy nhame his halex." i say my nose being numbed by the ice. The girl laughs and it gives me a warm feeling that i quickly shake off.

"My names annie." the girl says and smiles. It makes me want to smile for a month.

"Hey girl are you new? I can give you a tour with benefits." the guy from the football team says suggestively . I want to punch him for even talking to annie.

"No its fine my new freind alex can do that." annie says and i want to grin at the guy like a idiot.

"Fine bitch." the guy snarls and walks over to his buddys.

"Alex come on you have to give me a tour!" annie says grabbing my hand. instantly i turn red under the ice pack on my nose.

I just nod completly in lala land.

This was the day i met annie, the girl Of my dreams.


This is a short story with short chapters!

A few questions unasked will be answered.

They are both freshmen in highschool but alex is older by one year for reasons later in the story.

Alex is a girl yes.

There is mild swearing and topics mentioned (drugs rape or other) later in story but they will not be graphic.

This is my first story like this so dont hate me.

I know my punctuation is terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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