not too late I can stop by after work.~
"Zant what you want?" Naomi asked as she fed the twins their baby food.
"Uh, I can just order us a pizza..."
"Zant do we have enough money for that...?"
"Yeah of course." Zant lied and ordered it from his phone.
Naomi sighed and walked to the kitchen and got out plate and cups for them.
Zant sighed and put his phone away before looking at the t.v.
Naomi cleaned up the babies and looked towards him sighing softly.
Zant flipped through the channels. "Wanna Netflix and chill?"
Naomi rolled her eyes playfully. "I will Netflix but not chill."
"Fine with me." Zant smiled softly and set the remote down. "You pick."
"Fine." Naomi picked it up the remote and started searching throughout the movies.
Zant closed his eyes as a tear ran down his eye.
"Zant?" Naomi tapped his leg.
"Hm?" Zant said holding back tears.
"What's wrong?" Naomi looked at him.
"Nothing, you found a movie yet?" Zant pretend to yawn.
"Don't change the subject..." Naomi sighed.
Then there was a knock on the door.
"Zant you got the money?" Naomi stood up.
"Yeah." Zant dug in his back pocket grabbing his wallet then grabbing the credit card from it.
Naomi took it and sat went to answer the door making the talk with the pizza man short.
Zant got up and walked to the kitchen and kisses the twins on their cheeks. "You two want some pizza?"
"Zant they can't have pizza..."
"Oh. Sorry ." Zant sat down at the table.
"It's fine..." Naomi said putting the pizza box down on the table.
Zant grabbed two slices and walked out to the couch the twins watching him.
Naomi grabbed two slices and kissed the babies on their foreheads before joining Zant on the couch.
"So what you wanna watch?" Zant said.
"I don't know!" Naomi said in annoyed tone.
"Alright!" Zant walked upstairs.
Naomi sighed and put her plate beside her before putting her hands over her face.
Zant sighed and laid down on his bed as tears finally fell.
Naomi had tears as well.
The twins were playing with toys...well sucking on them since they were teething.
It was a few hours before anyone interacted with one another but the babies soon ruined that by crying.
Naomi sighed before attending to them, Zant quickly behind her.
"Aww what wrong princess?" Zant picked up Aurora and cradled her.
Naomi holding Anaika on her hip. "What is it?"
Zant brought Aurora to her crib Naomi silently following.
Anaika and Aurora were already asleep by the time they were put in their cribs.
The two awkwardly watched them for a bit before turning to each other apologizing at the same time.
"No Zant I'm sorry I snapped at you.." Naomi looked down.
"I'm sorry I know I'm annoying but." Zant smiled
"Do you always have to make a dumb remark?" She laughed shaking her head.
"What you mean?" Zant grinned.