A new Proxy

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Slenderman's POV
I was walking in the woods looking for my next victim when i heard a scream i teleported to where the scream came from and saw a dead body next to a 4 year old girl drenched in blood with a knife in her hand and eating her parents heart she noticed me and smiled a cheshire smile " Hello mr " " hello child what's your name? " " Cheshire " " that's a beautiful name " " thanks " " come with me i'll be your new dad " she giggled and took my hand i teleported her to a room and then told her " never come out of the room unless i tell you to " she nodded and grabbed a color pencil and started drawing her parents dead bodies i teleported out of the room and then decorated her room and everyday when the other CP's were gone i would let her look around the mansion but that didn't last long
~ a week later ~
Cheshire's POV
I was playing with my knife in my room while daddy was gone he was killing someone but whenever he came back he would give me a bag of their hearts Delicous! i loved daddy but i still know he's not my real dad i killed my real one but i didn't care he was mean i start to remember everything and start sobbing in my lap and then i heard the door open i saw a man with pale white skin and a carved smile with burnt eyelids he looked beautiful then he said " Go to sleep " he tried attacking me with his knife but i just grabbed his arm and said " You have a beautiful smile " then he got his grip back and then said " thanks " i then showed him my proxy mark from daddy and his eyes got wider and he said " Sorry kid i didn't know what's your name? " i giggled " Cheshire " and i smiled my cheshire smile and he smiled wider " That name suits you well " i then said " what's your name? " he replied " jeff " i then saw daddy behind him and then daddy yelled " JEFFREY! " daddy was going to grab him but i ran in front of him and then said "STOP" daddy stopped and i sent him a glare saying " it's ok he won't tell " then daddy nodded and asked jeff i he would tell anyone about me " No " then he nodded and then i played the knife game with jeffrey and we talked a lot until he had to go killing i then asked him " Can i go with you? "

Slenderman's Child (An Old Story i created a LONG time ago)Where stories live. Discover now