Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm new to this i hope you enjoY it though, pls COMMENT!! :)

Chapter 1

I walked into the school building books clutched to my chest. The hallway was crowded with freshmen, sophomores and seniors. I walked silently and quickly to my locker, no one noticed me; no one ever did. My locker was far at the end, I dumped my novel into it, grabbed some textbooks adjusted my glasses and walked to my Spanish class. I sat at the back of the class where I always sat and watched everyone entered the room; Mr. Lawrence the principal soon entered with who seemed to be the most gorgeous boy I had ever laid my eyes on, he had platinum blond tousled hair, turquoise beautiful eyes, pale pink lips that curved into a smile when he saw that the whole class was staring at him, the uniform fit him perfectly, his blazer was fitted, unlike mine, he was just gorgeous.

"Well class we have a new student, Aaron Strandler, you all should make him feel welcome," Mr Mendev said sighing after Mr Lawrence walked out

Every girl turned their attention to Aaron, I didn't bother; I could never even date him anyways, I wasn't pretty enough, I was too quiet, I was too smart, and even if I was pretty enough my parents would never let me date, and they never told me why. There was this one time when my cousin begged them to let me go on a double date with her, and they let me go only because my mum came with us, it was soo embarrassing every time my date got really close to me she hit him. So when I get kids I'll make them date whoever they like, and they'll live a cool fun life, the type of life i'll never get to live, well that's if I get married anyway, I'm sure my mum will lock me up after I graduate.

I was carried away in thought, I didn't notice that Aaron had settled for the seat next to mine; he smelt pretty good. I loved the scent. I looked up at him, then back at my notes

"Hi," he greeted his British accent was too sexy.

"Hi," I whispered back

"What's your name?" he asked in a gentle tone

"Tamara," I replied

"Well, I've never heard that before, it's pretty though," he smiled

His smile was just heartwarming, I loved it. He shifted his eyes away from my face and looked at the board

I looked back at my note, and continued jotting down Spanish words. Aaron didn't bother writing.

     Lunch came fast, I was happy the day was quickly coming to an end. I sat down quietly at the corner and ate my strips of chicken. I brought out my iPad, and began reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I was in Elizabeth's World, imagining how it was like living in England in the 19th Century. It could be cool,

I noticed nicely French manicured nails on the edge of my table I looked up quickly; Melanie was standing there alone surprisingly without her cohorts Anne and Nicole

"Hi Tamara," she greeted with a grin

"Hi," I mumbled this was a surprise, Melanie Floraine never stopped to say hi to me.

"Oh, Tamara, uhh you know the new boy right Aaaron?" she asked sitting beside me

"Umm yeah, he's in my Spanish class," I replied

She smiled "That's good, Did you really talk to him?" she asked again

'Come on, she already has Jack, he's also hot,' I thought

"Yh, he has a British accent," I told her

"Really!" she exclaimed "How does he look like does he really have platinum blond hair?" she asked

Why does she even want to know? I asked myself. Like I said she already has Jack.

"Yeah he does, and he's pretty nice," I ate some chicken.

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