class assignment

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Three years ago there was a house in the woods that nobody went into.
One day, my friends and I decide we'd do photography shots of the house. They wanted to go in and I knew what was good for me so, I didn't go on the lawn. If i wanted good pictures, I'd zoom into the house and not even step on a blade of grass that belonged to that house.

So Kevin Case said, "Casu come on, it's just an old house that's been abandoned for years." Mind you, this house has been around since the early 1800s and housed crazy people who practiced magic. Not the good stuff, the bad and deadly stuff.
I wasn't gonna get killed over an art assignment, so i stayed off the house property while they browsed all inside. I told Kevin, "Dude, this is just an art assignment. I'm not getting hurt over a class project. You can go in but when you can't sleep at night, don't call me or come to my house."
He looked at me over the rim of his glasses and walked into the house with his camera strapped onto his shoulder.
He said, "I'll be out in a few. Don't get scared now." He laughed, i adjusted my jacket and scarf. I looked around a few times and saw nothing but tall, haunted looking trees. They all seemed to have had an aura of a human being looming over those who crept into the house.

Two hours went by, Kevin, Mark, Lesley, and Brennon burst out of the house screaming for their lives.
Lesley shouted at the top of her lungs, "There's a demon in the house!!!!"
As i looked over my shoulder as i ran to the car, there was a dark musky flare of wind flying toward the car. It shrieked and reeked of death and agony.
I'm an intuitionist from birth (intuition coaches were in my life for twenty years). I helped people get better at mental creativity and helped people solve problems and assisted them with recognizing their intuition when it came to them.

We tried to drive the car off of the street into the public, but something popped all of the tires of the Cadillac.
As everyone leaped out of the car, the demon swirled all around them going in and out of them causing them pain. When it looked at me with its red and beady eyes (death in there) it screamed and tried to go away. I recited a prayer and it crumbled away into dusts.

As we went through the photos in the dark room, there was more than one demon in the house. It was a house full of demons. My friends had demons stuck to them. I had to get someone to remove them so they wouldn't suffer anymore.

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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