Chapter 2

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Ji Sae's P.O.V

It's 1.45 pm and i'm at Gangnam with my 4 guys. We were walking down an empty path when i saw 6 guys.  Hmm...

I just watch what they're doing. Hmm... Selling drugs in my place huh. I smirked. "Corner." - i said. My 4 guys separated while i stayed in my position and keep my eyes on those guys.

"Ya ya ya...! What are you guys doing huh?" - i heard Kwang Dae asked and smirked.

"Ya who are you? You're not suppose to be here." - one of the guys said.

"You don't need to know who are we. But you guys just made my place dirty." - Hed said and smiled.

"What do i care?!" - another guy said.

"You gotta care cause its serious stuff you know." - Seung Yoon said. One of the guy punched Seung Yoon. And he fell. Another guy, punched Hed's stomach and he fell too.

And the other guys, punched my other two guys. Aish what is wrong with my guys?! They continued beating my guys. "Hah! Wanna act tough with us? Screwed!" - one of the guys said. My blood is boiling and its rising.

I got up and walk up to them. "Oh, pretty lady! What are you doing here? Wanna play with us?" - one of the guys said and smirked. The others smirked too.

I look at my guys and gave them death glares. I look up to those guys and smiled. "I would want to play with you guys but you just injured my guys." - i said.

The guy with long hair walk up to me and lift up my chin. "Aigoo~ you're so pretty but why do you even have these guys?"

I pushed his hands harshly and gave him a tight slap. The other 5 guys run to me, wanting to beat me up. But, they can't defeat me. I used my Kungfu skills.

I didn't really injured them like breaking their arm or anything but just minor injuries. They are all laying on the floor, half unconscious. I bend down to the long haired guy.

"So, now you wanna play with me?" - i asked and smirked while grabbing his long hair.

"How dare you beat up my guys!!" - i heard a guy shouted from behind. I turned my head and saw a bunch of guys in dark blue looking so angry. I smiled. 

I pushed the long haired guy to the ground. I stand up and faced those guys, crossing my arms. "How can i help you guys?" - i asked and smirked.

"Young lady, you've just made a mess in my location! Who are you?! How dare you break into my location?!" - a guy covered with tattoos shouted. Guess he's the leader. Says the ome who is breaking in my location.

I walk up to that guy and put my elbow on his shoulder. I lift up his chin and made him look at me. He's sweating so much. God, i'm so disgusted. He's not even handsome goddamnit. I look at him and smiled. "Don't be angry. You wanna know who am i?" - i said in a flirty way and smirked.

"I'm Kim Ji Sae. From the Kim Company." - i continued talking in a flirty way and smiled. That guy swallwed, looking so nervous.

"I'm the new boss right now. Mr Kim is retired. So, his daughter take over which is me." - i said. I stand away from him.

"NOW! WHO ARE YOU?!" - i shouted as i ponited to them my knife which made all of them shivered.

"T-this is my location." - the tattooed guy stuttered, trying not to be scared.

"Do you want me to call the police?! My place is clean. I've never sell drugs! So is either you get lost from my location or i'll break all of you." - i shouted.

"Hey hey hey! What is all these commotion huh?" - someone said from behind. I turned and saw a bunch of guys in the same dark blue. I know him.

"Mr Yang Hyun Dae from the Bluered Company, your kids made a mess in my location. My place is clean." - I said, trying to be calm. Those guys behind me joined Hyun Dae. My 4 guys got up slowly and stand behind me.

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