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Drip... Drip...

"Oh shit." You hiss under your breath, reaching for a paper towel as your nose begins to drip with the familiar crimson liquid. You caught yourself staring at him again. Aside from Heavy and Medic, he was the one guy on the team that you would actually be around voluntairily. When you came here he was the one to show you around and help you with your bags and show you a good time. Such a gentleman. And you would be lying if you said you hadn't developped a teeny tiny crush on him. The only problem is, everytime you see the hardhatted Texan, your nose would start to just go bonkers and bleed like crazy. "If this keeps happening more frequently, I'll have to talk to Medic about it.." You thought. "It's been almost a week."

It was dinnertime and most of the mercs were already done eating and wandering about through the base, leaving you at the table with Spy, Sniper, Medic and Engineer. You averted your gaze from the Texan, Earning a raised eyebrow from Spy. Being a Spy, it was his job to see though people, and ofcourse he saw through you, So you figured when you saw the smug smirk plastered on his face. He let out a low chuckle upon seeing your warning face. Medic excused himself before getting up and taking his plate to the sink. You sigh, luckily no one had noticed the fact you had a nosebleed once aga--

"Oi, [YourName]." Shit, Why now. You tried your best to hide your face under your red fedora, not looking up at the Australian. "What is it, Sniper?" Sniper used one of his little catapults to knock your fedora off, revealing you pressing a now almost drenched in red paper towel to your nose. The remaining two mercenaries now also turned their attention to you. "Yer nose is bleedin'. Again." The sharp-shooter pointed out. You looked up at him to make a smart-ass comment, when Engineer spoke up just before you. "Darl', Maybe you should see th' Doc' about this. Ah've been observin' ye, an' it seems like ye've been losin' an aweful lot a' blood over th' past week." You sucked in a deep breath, removing the paper towel from your nose and finding the courage to look up at your crush. "Listen, Engie, Im totally fi-" As soon as you lay your eyes on him your nose starts to drip again. And not dripping every few seconds, The blood is streaming from your nose, quickly creating a puddle on the table. You curse and jump up, making your way over to Medic's lab. As you walk, you realise just how big the base actually is. First you have to pass the 10 bedrooms, then the three bathrooms, Then Engie's workplace and just then there's Medic's Lab. You knock upon the rusty gate to hell, and within a split second, it swings open. "Ah, [YourName], Herr Engineer informed me zhat you would come. Bitte, kommen Sie rein." He stepped aside, clearing the path for you. With your little German knowledge, you made out his 'Please, Come in.', and did as instructed. "Danke, Herr Doktor." You replied, sitting on the operationtable. "Kein Problem." Medic walks over and cleans your face with a wet rag, removing the blood. "Tell me, [YourName], do zhese nosebleeds happen randomly?" You nod, to which he responds. "Wrong. I have been observing you." You roll your eyes. "You too?" "Ja, me too. You see zhere are zhree main things zhat can cause nosebleeds. High bloodpressure; Stress; Or being around someone you love or deeply adore." The last cause made your heart skip a beat. "And since I've been observing you, I've noticed all of your nosebleeds take place when you're near Herr Engineer. You get nervous, your heart pumps faster, and then it may happen that a vein pops, causing a nosebleed. You're in love with Herr Engineer, are you not?" You couldn't believe what you heard. Engie is nearly as smart and sciency as Medic, so if the German knew, then he must have figured it out too. Your cheeks were glowing at this point, averting your gaze from the doctor. "I-I.. I do like him an aweful lot, yes.." Medic smiled and walked off to his desk, opening the drawer and pulling out an envelope, walking back to you and hading it over. "I was supposed to leave it at your bedroomdoor anonymously, but Engineer asked me to hand you this." You looked down at the envelope. It looked old, the yellowed paper and unclean edges making it feel hundreds of years old. It was sealed with a waxstamp. you chuckled, Engineer was always one to be oldschool. "Also," Medic pushed a bottle of pills into your hands. "These are for preventing the nosebleeds to happen." You nodded, thanking the doctor and getting up, walking out of the Lab before opening the envelope he had handed you. Before you read the letter, you took a moment to adore Engie's handwriting; His handwriting was elegant, slightly crooked, with controlled lines. He has the tendancy to tap his pen or pencil on the paper as he thinks, leaving behind small dots on the paper. Once you were done admiring his typographic skills, you began reading the actual letter:

Once in a lifetime,
you find someone special,
your lives intermingle,
and somehow you know...

This is the beginning,
of all you have longed for,
a love you can build on,
a love that will grow...

Once in a lifetime,
to those who are lucky,
a miracle happens
and dreams all come true-

I know it can happen,
it happened to me,
For I've found my "once in a lifetime" here with you.

You couldn't hold back the squeal that was rising in your throat. That man is so romantic. You clutched the letter to your chest as you ran towards the livingroom, where you found Sniper and Engie playing cards. Without a second thought, you extended your arms towards Engineer and turned his head carefully, giving him a firm kiss on the lips. He barely even got to respond or you turned on your heel and ran for your room, overwhelmed with happiness.
"Eh, Mate. Yer nose." Engineer felt liquid dripping from his nose. Blood. "Hah, Now its yer turn ta bleed, ey?" Sniper chuckled mockingly, but Engineer didn't hear him. "So that's why she was bleedin'.. She loves me."

Engineer x Reader - NosebleedsWhere stories live. Discover now