Missing Revenge

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After Sapphire's roommate, Jade, randomly disappeared she's felt uneasy and frankly, not very safe.

The police couldn't find any clues as to where she could've gone. Nothing was missing, and no one had seen her. It was like she had disappeared into thin air. And maybe she had, but there were no clues to reinforce that idea either.

Since the disappearance, Sapphire barely left the house for the fear that she too could be the victim of a horrendous murder or kidnapping at any given moment. She rarely had any visitors, since all of her friends were closer to Jade.

Knock, knock, knock.

Sapphire became ecstatic as the thought of seeing Jade again rushed through her head. She ran to the door hoping to see her friend but instead found nothing but thin air waiting for her.

She felt stupid for letting herself get her hopes up that high.

"You're never going to see Jade again," Her subconscious kept telling her. "So suck it up and get used to living alone."

Knock, knock, knock!

"Who is it?" She yelled from the couch, her patience quickly wearing thin. No way was she going to check again. It could be some sadistic murderer playing tricks on her, trying to lure her out of her house so they could kidnap her. She stayed on the couch awaiting a response. But the only thing she heard in response was the creak of the front porches rickety floor boards and another set of knocking on her old wooden door.

She couldn't see anyone standing out the front, even as she peered through the opaque glass lining the sides of the door. Surely, at least she'd be able to see a figure, or what might've appeared to look like a person's shadow, but no, nothing appeared more suspicious than the flowers on her front lawn.

Knock, knock, knock!

The loud knocks kept getting more and more persistent each time they occurred.

'Why won't they go away?' Sapphire wondered. 'Well obviously it's time to take a different course of action'

She stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen bench that her phone laid upon and dialled the police department's number only to have a mechanical woman's voice tell her that it had been disconnected.

Disconnected? That's definitely not right, they wouldn't disconnect the police department's phone. People could be getting murdered right now or in any given second! Who were they supposed to call?

Knock, knock, knock!

'Oh my god, what the fuck am I going to do?' She thinks while pacing the small kitchen.

'Lock the door, grab a weapon. That's it, I'll be fine. They'll go away eventually.'

Sapphire quietly runs to the door and locks it, heads back to the kitchen to grab a knife, and makes her way up the stairs, down the long hallway, and into her room, where she locks the door behind her.

Knock, knock, knock!

'Why won't they just leave?'

She sits on her bed and waits for the next set of knocks.

They're quieter than the earlier ones and they sound closer. Much, much closer. The knocks came from the bottom of the stairs.

'Holy fucking shit!' She whispers as she steps off of her bed and moves to the front of her small wardrobe, clutching hard to the knife that her knuckles appear white.

Knock, knock, knock.

The sound of knuckles pounding against wood starts to become harder to bare, the knocks gently shaking the house. They're louder again, and they're closer too. Whoever it is, is at the top of the stairs, just a few metres away from Sapphire's bedroom door.

Sapphire starts to shake and sweat nervously. She's- in all honesty- petrified as she turns around and sees her wardrobe door ajar, just as she left it and decides to climb in and hide from a horrible fate that seems to be pursuing her.

It's cramped, pitch black and there are expensive dresses covering her face but it's literally the only thing that might be able to keep her safe and hidden at this time being.

Knock, knock, knock!

Sapphire shudders as the room shakes with such brutality that her teeth involuntarily chatter, and it's all she can do to not scream and cry right there and then.

The knocks came from her bedroom door...

Out of all the rooms they could've chosen to look for her in-

Knock, knock, knock.

Sapphire freezes as the sound of the knocks send icy waves through her heart and body.

She wants to cry, and laugh but all she can seem to do is stare into the darkness and hope that she'll be alright.

But something snaps inside of her. She can't promise that she'll be alright, she can't even promise if she'll live, so she alters her wishes and instead hopes that her death will be quick and painless.

"Knock. Knock. Knock." She hears a familiar yet now hoarse voice whisper from right beside her.

She feels as if her heart has stopped, but she can hear it beating faster than she ever thought it could.

Mustering up all of the courage she has left- despite the freezing cold fear she feels coursing through her veins- she turns her head to the direction of the soft yet menacing voice and even in the pitch blackness of the wardrobe she could make out the familiar, beautiful face smiling sadistically at her. Her eyes, no-doubt bulging with fear as she sat frozen and breathless.

Jade's smile was sweet, yet filled with so much hatred and malevolence that Sapphire couldn't tear her eyes away. Jade was obviously happy to see Sapphire fearing for her life.

Sapphire started crying. Uncontrollably. Tears cascading down her cheeks, and her body shaking. She was barely able to breathe as her heart ached with some unbearable pain that was a mix of grief and regret.

All while Jade laughed. It started off as a small giggle at the expense of Sapphire's pain and quickly turned into a guttural hysteric sound that was filled with malice and the promising sounds of death.

"I'm sorry!" Sapphire finally screamed as she struggled to work a breath of the wardrobe's stale air into her lungs. It smelled awful, like a rotting corpse and her lungs burnt with the desire to breathe clean air.

"What for?" Jade's smile twisted to whisper in her ear. The sound sending shivers down her back again.

"You didn't need to die! But it was just so fun! I couldn't help myself! I'm so sorry!" She cried out, mumbling her useless apologies as tears continued streaming down her face.

The tears flooding into her eyes and releasing like a broken dam.

Sapphire realised that the cramped wardrobe was frighteningly cold and if she hadn't been shivering non-stop before, she was now.

She cries for what feels like hours but in reality it's only been a minute. Lifting her head from her lap she looks over at Jade only to see her face mangled and bloody. Just how she looked when Sapphire murdered her and hid her body.

Jade stares at Sapphire for a good moment until a deafening scream escapes from her mouth. The noise pierced Sapphire's ears and she felt a warm, no-doubt crimson liquid run down both sides of her head and out from her nose.

Sapphire lurches forward and involuntarily pushes all contents of her stomach onto any clear space the wardrobe has, her head pulsing so painfully that it was almost maddening. She burns, there's no flame, but she burns and it is the most painful thing she has ever felt in her life, the cold not even being registered anymore, until all of this sudden and blistering pain becomes too much for her to handle. Her eyes, once blurred with tears and sorrow and truth are now blurring with an oncoming unconsciousness. She feels a sharp sting around her heart, it feels like another promise, a promise of more pain, and an eternity in a fiery hell made just for her. Her eyes become clouded with black dots and just as she slips into blackness she manages to hoarsely whisper the words 'I'm sorry'.

And just like Jade, Sapphire seemed to vanish into thin air, never to be seen ever again.

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