Start of the school year.

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Yanno what.? It's always nice to know that your boyfriend really likes you when he breaks up with you on the first day of school. Haha! Yeah, well... That's how my first day went.
I got up early in the morning
at 6:00am everything was all nice. I had clothes picked out and everything. I went over to his house to make sure him and his brother would not be late for the bus. I go to his house. Then Jerome and Xavier {Jerome's brother} came outside while their mother greater them out the door. As we were walking to the bus stop I said to Jerome don't be too nervous. I was worried. My name is Alliyah by the way, Alliyah Gation. Anyways we were walking onto the sidewalk as the bus pulled up. The bus driver nicely greeted us onto the bus. Which was packed as if. And we had at least five more stops to load kids onto the bus.

Sometimes, life is hard and easy.
Like, when you're little. You have everybody talking in weird voices, they are changing your diper and teaching you how to walk. When you are around the kid stage, you are getting bosses around all of the time you have a lot of rules, but you always get some slack off. When you hit the teenage stage you are in 6th or 7th grade when you turn thirTEEN. That's when you think that you won't be pressured as much, you have a little more frredom, and you can get better grades. Well, for me.? (Alliyah Gation) when I did hit 7th grade I thought that I would be a perfect 7th grader. Haahah! NOT >__<
I ended up not being that perfect, got straight B's. And I was bullied. But I had a lot of my friends that helped me with my problems(: My three main bestfriends were Jessica Clifford, Justine Morgan, Caroline Eally. I liked this guy and this guy also liked me.
How about let's fast forward to the summer. Summer of 2013 the year after the world was suppose to end. Basically in the beginning of the summer, I hung out with Brady. Brady Teeves. That was also the time when him and I liked each other. Then after July 14th, I went to camp. The best camp in the world. It was and always will be the best experience in my life! So I called Brady a couple of times during that summer, and I realized that he didn't really answer me that much as what I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2013 ⏰

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