Ch.1 - Confession

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Annyeong~ I now come back with a new fanfic for all of you. This is a full on story in which I will update every so often, meaning when I am inspired to write but I will try to update once a week for sure. This will probably have 5 - 10 chapters depending on how the story progresses and the feedback. And without further ado, the story begins~

Jihoon's P.O.V.

It's 3:49 am and I just got back in the dorm. I opened the door and found Soonyoung sleeping on the couch. Confused, I walked over to wake him up. Before I could do that, he shifted in his seat and mumbled something even I can barely here. I moved closer and heard him mumble again. "Why don't you love me Jihoon-ah?"

My eyes widened at what I heard. Did I hear him correctly? Did he really say that? Was he messing with me? I just shrugged at the thought. I tried shaking Hoshi to wake him up. It didn't work. I slapped him pretty hard on his cheek but his head just swayed. I was running out of ideas on how to wake him up but I remembered something that used to work when we were younger.

I put my hands on either side of his stomach and started tickling him. Almost immediately, his eyes shot up and he started wiggling and laughing hard. It worked. He's still as ticklish as ever. Soonyoung, trying hard to pry my hands of him, failed and fell off the couch with a thud.

Concerned, I held out my hand to help him up. "Are you okay Hosh?" I asked him. He ignored my hand and stood up on his own. He glared at me with his 10:10 eyes and said "Why would you do that to someone who stayed up this late just to wait for you to come home?" I retreated my hand, put it on my waist and raised an eyebrow at him. "Did I ask you to wait for me?" I asked starting to get annoyed. Try producing the music for a group until 3 in the morning, come home to this and try not getting annoyed. I was tired as it is. I was just concerned for him that he wasn't comfortable sleeping in the couch.

"I just came home from the studio producing our song and you yell at me for waking you up to make you move to your bedroom?! Well I'm so so sorry to hear that!" I yelled and stormed out to go to my team's bedroom. Before I could reach the door, I felt two arms hug my waist and a weight on my shoulder.

"Hey Jihoon-ah~ I'm sorry. I didn't know you were just concerned for me. It's just that I actually waited for you to tell you something. Please forgive me Jihoon-ah~" Hoshi whispered to my ear.

I don't know what to say. He would never hug me on purpose. Soonyoung will only do this on music shows, fansigns or anywhere the fans can see because he considered this as just fan service. He let go of me and turned me around. I looked up and saw his tired eyes with a bit of sadness in them.

"What is it?" I asked while glaring at him, still a bit angry. "Huh?" He replied. I sighed. If he's just joking around, I'd like to go to bed, I'm too tired for jokes. "What was it you were going to tell me?" I asked again, trying hard not to lose my patience.

"Oh~ That! Can we move to the couch? I don't want the members to hear what I have to say." He said to me while pulling me to the living room. We sat down but he said nothing. He just looked at his lap. "Look, if you don't want to talk just tell me some other time okay? I'm tired and--" I didn't finish my sentence 'cause he cut me off. "No! Wait Jihoon! I'll talk. I'll talk okay? I just don't know how to start." He looked at his lap again.

"Is it really that important for you to tell me right now? I'm exhausted Soonyoung. Just tell me please. I want to go to sleep." I practically begged him. Hoshi mumbled something. His voice was so low even I didn't hear him. "What was that?" I asked. He mumbled again. I got annoyed at this point, my sleepiness not helping.

"What? If your gonna mumble what you want to tell me. I'd rather hear it in the morning. Goodnight Hoshi." I got up and started to walk to my team's bedroom. Before I could land my third step, a hand took hold of my wrist and pulled me back, hard. I stumbled on my own feet and was caught by none other than Hoshi himself.

My face landed on his chest so I was thankful he couldn't see me blushing. While I was trying to stand up straight, he suddenly whispered to my ear, "I like you Jihoon." My mouth hang open. Did he say what I think he said? Did I hear him right? "Y-you like me? By 'like' you mean as a friend right?" I asked while looking up at him. He avoided my gaze and said, "What do you think Woozi?"

"I-I don't know Hoshi. But seriously, what do you mean? Do you like me as a friend? A brother? Or something else?" I replied trying to make him answer me. He blushed when he heard the last option and finally, I was able to understand it fully. Hoshi likes me that way. He likes me more than a brother. I blushed at the thought.

Finally, he looked at me and said, "Jihoon it's okay if you don't return my feelings. I didn't expect you to anyway." He let me stand up fully and turned around. "We'll still be friends though right?" He laughed and sniffled a little. After that he walked away, probably going to the performance team's bedroom. While walking past me, I glanced up and saw his tear stained face.

I realized all the countless times Hoshi would help me. All the times he visited me in my studio just to remind me to take some rest. How he would make me laugh till I was out of breath. I realized that I do like him back. "Hoshi I--" I managed to say before following him to his bedroom. I caught up to him and this time it was me who stopped him.

I hugged him tight and cried onto his back. "I do like you Hoshi. I do return your feelings. I like you too okay?" He pried my hands off his waist and faced me. He wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumbs. "Hey don't cry." He smiled though there were still some tears in his face. "Thank you for accepting and returning my feelings." He said and hugged me. "I have one more question though." He let go of the hug and said to me.

"What is it?" I asked smiling now as well. "Well, would you like to be my boyfriend and accompany me to a date this saturday night?" He caught me by surprise by lifting and twirling me around. "Yah! Put me down or else I will wake the members up with my screams!" I threatened. He put me down. He wasn't sacared at all. In fact he was smirking.

"It's okay. All the members know about my feelings for you except you and Chan. Jeonghan hyung says he's too young to know these stuff but he doesn't know that his aegi (baby) is already in love with.... So about the date? You okay with it?" I was taken aback. "Wait! Only me and Dino don't know about this? How come I didn't notice your feelings? Was I that dense?" I asked him ignoring the offer for the date.

"JUST ANSWER HIM JIHOON!" S.Coups hyung suddenly shouted while sticking his head out the Hip Hop team's bedroom. "YEAH! WE WANT TO SLEEP JIHOON-AH~ AND ABOUT THIS 'MY AEGI IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE' YOU ARE SO GONNA GET IT HOSHI IF YOU DON'T TELL ME!!" This time it was Jeonghan hyung screaming from the Vocal team's bedroom. "S-sure Soonyoung, I'll go with you." I answered him after all the interuptions.

We leaned in to kiss but we were interupted again. This time by Chan. "H-HYUNG! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT OUR SECRET?" The maknae yelled from their bedroom. We laughed though I didn't know who Dino was in love with. "Who is he in love with again?" I asked the beautiful creature in front of me. Hoshi leaned near my ear and whispered, "I'll tell you tomorrow." I nodded and we laughed.

Chan went back inside his bedroom and once again, we are alone in the hallway. When we were sure we are not gonna get interrupted again, he leaned in. I closed my eyes and leaned in as well. Our lips touch for the first time. I felt sparks through out my body. I also thought fireworks were exploding around us. It was the most amazing kiss I've ever had in my life. You know being it the first one I've had, ever.

We pulled away from the kiss. We loomed at each other and smiled. He hugged me again. "I'm so happy you're mine now Jihoon-ah~" He said after the hug. "Me too Soonyoung. Me too." I replied. I think I'm the luckiest man alive for having Hoshi by my side.

I wonder how our date will turn out.


And that is the end of this chapter. I can't believe I wrote this chapter so quickly. I'm quite proud, this has 1559 words, longer than what I imagined it. Also, I will upload this on AFF and update there as well. Thank you for taking time to read this little story of mine. See you on the next chapter. :D My AFF account is also _ExoGotBTS_

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